Process peptides raw


New Member
Anyone got experinces with processing peptides raw in small scale home lab?

Lyophilization process sounds pretty easy, with mannitol. And Create vacuum in vials.

Is it possible?

Tried to search if it has been discussed before couldnt find it.

Regards from Sweden
I mean.. why? I cannot imagine you are consuming enough volume to have the cost set up and everything to save you money opposed to just purchasing the vials from the manufactures.

I have no idea what that process takes but it doesn’t sound nearly the same as brewing some test. I haven’t heard of one person doing what you’re describing.
Thanks for your answer, alot of people in my circle is using differents peptides, its not so much of investment if i hadnt miss something.

You could save alot of money in the end.
And is always fun to create your own stuff
Thanks for your answer, alot of people in my circle is using differents peptides, its not so much of investment if i hadnt miss something.

You could save alot of money in the end.
And is always fun to create your own stuff

Sounds like from your post you have more of an understanding about the process than I do.

with how dirt cheap the pre-made vials already are, you’d have to move some serious volume to justify not just reselling pre-made.

Not to mention then you’re in the business of manufacturing and selling. Risk to reward ratio doesn’t fit my personal taste but to each their own.

Keep us posted what you figure out and if you really go that route. You’d be the first I’ve seen.
Seems like an average 20% savings buying raw powders vs vials. I'd happily pay that premium to let someone else measure out milligrams and vacuum seal the vials.

Trying to undercut Chinese labor costs is a fools errand.
A big thing is the customs here to, 1g powder equal 200/5mg vials. Save alot of volume in the packaging.

Measure milligram its not a thing if you understand the process.
