Proviron doesn´t work


New Member
I (42m/ 6ft / 160 lbs) am on a pretty low dose of TRT (25mg EoD / 87.5mg per week). Got myself some Proviron, mainly for libido enhancement. I seem to be a high aromatiser, as even my low dose of test gives me bloat and huge nipples.
Been taking 25mg of Proviron every morning for 4 days.
The effects:
- Bloat might have gotten slightly less
- better cardio
- gym seems to be a bit harder than usual
- nipples are still hard as fuck - shouldn´t Proviron mask estrogen effects?
- less morning wood
- less libido

It´s from a mexican brand. Now I have a sex sesh planned for tomorrow and am in doubt if I should keep taking that stuff and give it two more doses to see if it works. Or better drop it right now. Thankful for any recommendations.
Your proviron dose is too small and you haven't taken it long enough. Even if you take a higher dose and take it longer, proviron is weak and it's hard to know what it's doing.

What's your bloodwork say? You probably need to control estrogen if you suspect you are a high aromatizer, but your dose of testosterone is so low and you are only 160 pounds...........are you sure this is the problem?
Your proviron dose is too small and you haven't taken it long enough. Even if you take a higher dose and take it longer, proviron is weak and it's hard to know what it's doing.

What's your bloodwork say? You probably need to control estrogen if you suspect you are a high aromatizer, but your dose of testosterone is so low and you are only 160 pounds...........are you sure this is the problem?
Thanks man. Actually did another dose today and started feeling it. :)
I get it cheap pharm grade I’ve over use it I know it very good.

Proviron will not work in a very high Estrogen environment or lowish Estrogen environment.

Proviron will work it’s best at baseline Estrogen or a little higher environment.

Proviron will not work if your prolactin is high.

As stated above sometimes it needs higher dosage (I do 50mg) and a little longer to assess if it works or not.

But personally and on other folks I know if we are good at Estrogen proviron will work very fast 25-50mg consumed some time before sex session.
Arimidex .5 a week will take care of gyno, I would get it asap before it gets to out of hand, you don’t want surgury your chest will never look good after that