PTC Advice


New Member
Obviously I'm a newbie at this based off my posts and this question. Try not to tear into me too hard for being ignorant. I've been researching for weeks now on what gear I want to use for my first cycle, how much, how often, good safe sources, and what to do for PCT. I'm going to start slow with just test prop rather than being stupid and stacking a bunch of shit without experience or knowledge on how my body will react. From my research I'm planning on using a weekly dose of 700mg of test prop injecting eod for 10 weeks. So 200mg eod was my plan. I was thinking of just using Nolva for PCT.
Would people recommend Clomid or Nolva? I was going to start PCT 3 days after my last injection of prop and use Nolva. 100mg on day 1. Then 60mg/day for the next 10 days. Then 40mg/day for the last 10 days of PCT.
Most roll with test e, or cyp... that's a lot of pinning for a first cycle----- I love the needle u may to... good luck
Try test e or c prop is painful for the first run and 700'mg??? Go lower no need to run it that high by any means make sure u have an ai on hand and ur nolvadex dose is too damn high
I only run 20/10/10/10 with clomid at 25mg for three weeks I have been done with pct for 5 weeks got blood total t was over 700
Post pictures so we can see if you are ready to run a cycle.

That being said and I have no doubt you will not post photos...If you are over 23 years old and male, and have been training seriously for at least five years. 150mg test prop for 8 weeks will be a nice first cycle.