The saddest thing with those forums is the amount of people who trust the higher rank members of those paid boards.
Some of em are decent people but others I mean. Idk. All the td picture promotions all that stuff.
Kinda glad I caught on within the first year there’s gonna be people on those boards their whole entire bodybuilding career.
That’s the reason I stick to this site now because “it’s not a source board” so there’s generally going to be atleast -less- of an agenda around here than a paid board.
I always take it like this. I have prescription trt. So I’m kinda set. Quality gear is nice. But in no world are you going to get 100 percent of your expectations 100 percent of the time.
besides I burnt my self out a decent amount with my doses so cruising on 120-150 test now is just as good as cycling.
best thing to do imo is get some raws test em and if your all good you spend a few hundred bucks for a lifetime of test and your done with it