PurplePandaLabs Raw source

If you’re referring to that Zuper Star95 I unfortunately don’t believe the lab had anything to do with it. Just don’t add vegetable oil in the vial and you should be just fine.
I believe he thought he could get us to give him some freebies just by his first post that seemed to be his intention.
We are confident in all our gear.
We did have a customer have a very bad reaction to migyol.
Quick question:

How long does a compound stay good when suspended in alcohol? Anyone know the shelf life?
I'm not sure about exact shelf life, but I made some dbol last year 50mg/1ml. Recently started (2weeks ago) 1ml per day and it seems to be working fine. So at least 13 months.
Are you guys able to afford this lifestyle? Constant begging for 5% off on already low prices makes me think not.

But hopefully they have cyber Monday sales, Hanukah discounts, and christmas specials for you guys. With wonderful 2018 new years prices and special discounts for 'merica on flag day.