PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Are the Raws pretty close to whats stated as far as mg go?
example: if you buy 5 grams of test e does it weigh 5 grams?
Just asking in case someone decides to make a batch using the whole bag believing it weighs what its suppose to. i guess what I'm asking is have any of you weighed your Raws, if so how close were they to advertised.?
All of the Raws I’ve bought have been dead-on!
Body aches like being sick. Don’t think I got a fever. No chills. I do remember wondering if it was test flu or actually sick but it only lasted a few days. Funny thing is I’ve taken all three of those compounds separately at higher doses and was fine but the blend sucked.

Bro, I would just think you got sick.
With some of the recent posts about PIP/possible infections (though not common and possibly due to the fault of the user), and just general concerns

If sterilizing UGL gear what are the temps to do it at?

I remember reading
  • 250f for 30 minutes for test E/C/P (Test in general)
  • 215f for 2 hours for Tren
Anyone know nandrolone (cyp/npp) sterilization temps before the gear starts breaking down?

No heat to sterilize - just .22 micron filters
can you quote those mixed reviews? for this source, i'm curious
I'm guessing the MIG throws people off a little... not sure what else it could be...its working for me...this is about 6 months of 24k gear (used to be popular here) and 16 months of Panda (raws)- gained 60lbs - Most guys on here are a heck of a lot bigger and stronger, but this is my anecdotal review of Panda raws and at the old age of 41... I'm just fighting to stay in decent shape.Beforepanda.jpg
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Bro, did you brew it this high? IDK why people brew shit this high..... Fucks everyone up.

A guy at the gym made a comment about someone being on test 400 - like it was this far superior compound to all other gear.. (while i'm thinking do a little extra test250 and avoid that Pip)

There are a ton of people that like the idea of super potent gear.. in theory it sounds good but we all know the repercussions...
Are the Raws pretty close to whats stated as far as mg go?
example: if you buy 5 grams of test e does it weigh 5 grams?
Just asking in case someone decides to make a batch using the whole bag believing it weighs what its suppose to. i guess what I'm asking is have any of you weighed your Raws, if so how close were they to advertised.?
pretty close every time for me - i've read of a few people missing a few grams and panda took care of them
I'm guessing the MIG throws people off a little... not sure what else it could be...its working for me...this is about 6 months of 24k gear (used to be popular here) and 16 months of Panda (raws)- gained 60lbs - Most guys on here are a heck of a lot bigger and stronger, but this is my anecdotal review of Panda raws and at the old age of 41... I'm just fighting to stay in decent shape.View attachment 80725
Hell of a transformation bro your one yoke mofo no doubt.
I'm guessing the MIG throws people off a little... not sure what else it could be...its working for me...this is about 6 months of 24k gear (used to be popular here) and 16 months of Panda (raws)- gained 60lbs - Most guys on here are a heck of a lot bigger and stronger, but this is my anecdotal review of Panda raws and at the old age of 41... I'm just fighting to stay in decent shape.View attachment 80725

That's a nice transformation. What was your cycle(s)?