PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Agreed, this is why I asked if the doctor was certain. Ie did he test a sample of the fluid in the abscess (assuming there is one) or just say yup that's an infection.

Cuz oh boy, when I had CSO you could sink your hand print into my quad

I had this YEARS ago from British Dragon. Did 1ml of tren ace on side tricep and within a few days my whole arm swelled up to twice the size and the tissue was holding so much fluid you could press your finger into my arm and leave a 3/4 inch indent that would stay like that for a few minutes. Not sure if it was the carrier oil or if the gear crashed inside me and crystallized and spread through the sub dermal layer? Lasted a full two weeks and almost tooka month to get back to normal. No redness and no extra heat so was for sure a fucked up experience to say the least!
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Agreed, this is why I asked if the doctor was certain. Ie did he test a sample of the fluid in the abscess (assuming there is one) or just say yup that's an infection.

Cuz oh boy, when I had CSO you could sink your hand print into my quad
Yeah most of the time nobody's going to say what's up for real but anything your body rejects will cause the same immune response.
Yeah most of the time nobody's going to say what's up for real but anything your body rejects will cause the same immune response.
Right. They'll take the safe route first and only start doing other tests if that doesn't work.

I'd be very surprised if anything coming from international caused an infection
Right. They'll take the safe route first and only start doing other tests if that doesn't work.

I'd be very surprised if anything coming from international caused an infection
Yeah we have a top notch facility and everything is done to the highest standards.
But I do know as I'm sure you do migyol is a nightmare for about 3% just a guesstimate of users.
I tried to stop a switch to migyol to begin with because me and some other members of meso had already had a bad experience with it from another source any source I have seen using it have ran into this same issue.
I still don’t know if my reaction was because of the mig or JUST because of the high concentration, but cutting it 1 to 1 with gso and switching to glute shots seems to have 100% fixed it...granted I’ve only done 1 shot so far since cutting it, but #2 will be tomorrow so that should give me the definitive answer within a few days of that shot
I had this YEARS ago from British Dragon. Did 1ml of tren ace on side tricep and within a few days my whole arm swelled up to twice the size and the tissue was holding so much fluid you could press your finger into my arm and leave a 3/4 inch indent that would stay like that for a few minutes. Not sure if it was the carrier oil or if the gear crashed inside me and crystallized and spread through the sub dermal layer? Lasted a full two weeks and almost tooka month to get back to normal. No redness and no extra heat so was for sure a fucked up experience to say the least!
This sounds like very similar to what happened to me, except mine also gave off heat and gave me that terrible fever, chills, etc...my gut tells me it was caused by the high concentration of the gear which led to it crashing and crystallizing in my muscle...and then the crystallized gear got treated like an infection by my body, causing the terrible symptoms...at least this is the storyline I have constructed in my head to explain it, since it makes sense to me lol...but in any case, the simple solution was just to cut it with gso and then shoot into a bigger muscle(glute), for good measure
Anybody know where to buy bitcoin instantly? Coinbase hits me with the 10 day waiting period. Not really trying to wait that long. Is paxful or bithumb good?
If you are in the US, gemini.com is good and cheapest to use... initial setup involves a bank wire (which costs whatever your bank charges 25.00 is avg), but you can use the bank wire and the money is available in a few hours.. after the initial wire you can use bank transfers (like electronic check - of up to 500.00 per day and this can be stored as Fiat on gemini).

Coinbase charges 1.49% for bank xfer and 1.49% to buy so ~3%.. You buy 2k worth of BTC and it costs $60

Gemini costs bank wire (only one time requirement) 25.00 plus $5 to buy (0.25%) BTC = $30 (then you can just transfer $500 a day to save from the bank wire fees from your bank - or if it is a large amount wire the money again)