Don’t know if my feedback is worth anything to you since I’m female, but I’ll weigh in just in case other women read this (or men whose girlfriends want to start primo). I got a vial of the 225mg/ml primo from the recent gb and I’m on week 3, at about 33mg. No pip. Really good strength gains, even surprisingly so. I have a service related ulnar and tendon wrist injury which prevents me from doing bicep curls with weights higher than 12lbs, but I’m at 20lbs already. Increased all my other lifts as well (though none of those are injury dependent). I also have noticeable muscle growth. I was honestly not expecting to see anything for maybe another week or two, since even oral Anavar usually takes a month to kick in. No sides yet except for a scratchy throat that I actually think is due to a virus going around at work. But I have a recording of my voice just in case. I do walk around wanting to kill people all the time, but that’s normal for me. If anything, I think my mood has slightly improved in the mornings when I work out until I have my first human interaction of the day.