Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

As most of you know. I've been an advocate of QSC both for the value they offer, and the incremental improvements they've made over time in response to feedback, despite the occasionally prickly attitude.

I've never been shy about pointing out their faults either, but always been fair, and urged others to have reasonable expectations as they seemed to do the right thing in terms of fair dealing.

I've pointed out no one should expect Amazon like delivery speed or customer service at these prices.

However, they have one iron clad obligation. Deliver what was paid for.

Unfortunately, they've failed to do that today and are trying to make me eat it.

I avoided buying their Tesamorelin because of numerous complaints regarding cloudiness and other issues. This was a blue topped batch made in Nov 2023.

Maybe it's fine, maybe it isn't, but I didn't want a batch of anything with a problem because to me, it leaves me wondering what other mistakes may have been made in its manufacture. I think that's a reasonable position.

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Here he acknowledges blue tops have an issue, available at a discount, but if you want a new, better green topped batch, order international, at a significantly higher price.

So based on this, I made the choice to spend $500 on the new batch.

I click on the Tesa link in the price list and it confirms the international warehouse has the new green topped batch, and domestic still has the old blue topped cloudy batch.

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Just to make sure there were no misunderstandings, I included this in my order email:

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It ships, get's caught in the "returned to customer" problem, QSC sends it back out. A delay of a couple weeks, but not QSCs fault and all that matters to me is they handled it.

Unfortunately, what arrives is this:

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Three kits of November 2023 made "cloudy batch" blue tops. WTF?

By this point. incidentally, the price list shows both warehouses have the new green batch. The group buy was filled with the green batch, even the promo mentioned above ended up getting the April 2024 green batch.

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Obviously someone reached into the dumpster to fill my order.

Ok, I'm not unreasonable. Maybe it's not messed up, and those folks saying it wouldn't reconstitute. was cloudy, or ineffective were using bad BAC.

1ml of Pfizer BAC, no dilution. Ok, how about 2ml? 3ml?

3ml and much shaking I get this:

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After settling:

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A "cloudy" batch would be an upgrade from this crap.

I send off a polite email with all this info and pics. After 24 hours I send it again and get this:

View attachment 291241

I repeat my request to have this replaced with what I ordered, and thus far no response.

So here I diligently avoid a "problematic" batch, pay a premium, per Tracy's instructions to ensure I get the newer batch, and even after this old problematic batch has been purged from their inventory, according to the price list links, I get stuck with $500 worth of it.

I've been happy with everything else I've ordered from QSC, but this is unacceptable by any standard.

$500 won't make or break me, it's the principle. There was no room for misunderstanding as to what was represented and what I ordered.
No disrespect intended, but aren't secretagogues completely useless? Why not just buy GH?
Orders for tabs are not shipped immediately, they require a special packaging and we haven't receive it from the packaging supplier yet, so consider them preorders !

We will add them to domestic warehouses first in USA and EU before starting sales.
Love this! Can’t wait - have been wanting to test 5-amino-1mq.
Side note: Any future plans for SLU-PP-332?
QSCs variance testing should be an eye opener for everyone using UGL orals.

They've set the standard here and the same should be demanded from other vendors.

Single pill tests are less than useless, they can be deceptive.
this is as good as we will probably ever see with variance on UGL tabs, 21% over/under. the only other non pharma way to get better dosing is homogenized in suspensions, or homebrew using multi step geometric dilution
Love this! Can’t wait - have been wanting to test 5-amino-1mq.
Side note: Any future plans for SLU-PP-332?
Anecdotal warning about 'exercise mimetics' and other compounds that boost energy expenditure, you're gonna feel the 'burn'.. lol. Great for 'fattie' who can't (yet) tolerate intense exercise, annoying for someone who wants to put in work at the gym.
Just the latest fad pushed by youtube scumfluencers Steve and it's gang
:D :D. I know a few folks that took huge amounts of 5aq. They lost some weight but were in shitty form (very noticeable on the field). Slu-PP-332 may be even better and has piqued the interest of big pharma, but from what I've heard, causes even more drag on endurance/performance
Just to add that the 5a1q they took was the iodide one, so it may have been the excess iodine causing all of those things. Again, strictly anecdotal.
No disrespect intended, but aren't secretagogues completely useless? Why not just buy GH?

Tesa (Egrifta) is extremely effective.

It has a much greater safety profile than HGH. It binds to growth hormone stimulating receptors signaling your pituitary to release naturally produced growth hormone.

Once those receptors are saturated, a higher dose of Tesa won't do anything else.

The binding is very long lived, inducing increased growth hormone production for 3 weeks after administration. GH release continues to follow natural fluctuation cycles, but at higher levels.

So with continuous administration, you "max out" natural growth hormone levels, without the supra-physiological spikes caused by HGH use.

Since growth hormone can accelerate undetected cancers, Tesa's limitation to physiological levels and its maintenance of natural growth hormone release cycles, makes growth hormone induced problems less likely while getting the most "natty" growth hormone benefit possible.

Its primary downside is cost.
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Tesa (Egrifta) is extremely effective.

It has a much greater safety profile than HGH. It binds to growth hormone stimulating receptors signaling your pituitary to release naturally produced growth hormone.

Once those receptors are saturated, a higher dose of Tesa won't do anything else.

The binding is very long lived, inducing increased growth hormone production for 3 weeks after administration. GH release continues to follow natural fluctuation cycles, but at higher levels.

So with continuous administration, you "max out" natural growth hormone levels, without the supra-physiological spikes caused by HGH use.

Since growth hormone can accelerate undetected cancers, Tesa's limitation to physiological levels and its maintenance of natural growth hormone release cycles, makes growth hormone induced problems less likely while getting the highest "natty" growth hormone benefits possible.
Tesa is also safer for those who are on an a-hole diet. Can't be messing with carbs on HGH and 'FAFO' your way into insulin resistance
Orders for tabs are not shipped immediately, they require a special packaging and we haven't receive it from the packaging supplier yet, so consider them preorders !

We will add them to domestic warehouses first in USA and EU before starting sales.
Im sorry if I missed this, but did you announce which tabs would be available? Searching for halo so would be nice if that was in your upcoming tabs.
Tesa is also safer for those who are on an a-hole diet. Can't be messing with carbs on HGH and 'FAFO' your way into insulin resistance

Yeah. Basically it's giving you the best possible GH levels you could achieve living the lifestyle of an olympian in training. Perfect diet, perfect sleep, perfect stress control, perfect level of physical activity,

Without growing a Rogan blockhead, turbocharging that tiny tumor from a 20 year growth trajectory to warp speed, water retention bloating, inducing diabetes, or waking up with carpel tunnel syndrome.
care to give examples and elaborate which ones?
Was just going to answer with tesamorelin but @Ghoul typed it out better than I can. M

Ghrp’s along with ipamorelin have been exhaustively studied and proven effective at pulsing a GH release as well. Is it different than exogenous GH? Sure is. Are they effective? As long as you know what to expect, yes they are.
5-Amino-1MQ 20mg tabs

5-amino-1MQ is a small molecule that blocks the activity of the enzyme called nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT). NNMT is a very important component in metabolism and energy and is predominantly active in fat tissue. By blocking NNMT, 5-amino-1MQ stimulates an increase in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a cofactor that is central to cellular metabolism, thereby increasing metabolic rate and activating a gene called sirtuin-1 (SIRT1). SIRT1 is also known as the "longevity gene" because of its role in reducing the risk of diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis and other forms of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, liver disease, neurodegeneration, and cancer. Research in mice given 5-amino-1MQ showed a 7% reduction in body mass over 10 days without any changes in food intake, compared to controls. Research has shown that decreasing NNMT may help shrink fat cells and reduce the size of fat deposits.

5-amino 1mq 20mg
1 bottle = 100 tabs = $85/bottle
5 bottles = $65/bottle
10 bottles = $55/bottle

View attachment 291778

What dose should I take daily?
Tirz 15mg kits from recent group buy just arrived, test C from the earlier Oil group buy progressing slowly through Europe but should arrive by mid next week. Very happy with QSC so far. Price and customer service has been top notch in my 4 orders so far. 2 arrived with 2 on the way.