Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

He's giving idiotic advice. You cannot treat protein based drugs like steroids.

He's giving idiotic advice. You cannot treat protein based drugs like steroids.
What’s a good starting dose, 2mg? I’m new to all this stuff and just trying to figure it out. I was going to try the micro dosing method, but you stand corrected. I guess Iron’s research is all from his biceps.
What’s a good starting dose, 2mg? I’m new to all this stuff and just trying to figure it out. I was going to try the micro dosing method, but you stand corrected. I guess Iron’s research is all from his biceps.

I'm not questioning his knowledge on AAS, but peptides are an entirely different thing.

My recommendation is to replicate the pharma protocol as closely as possible, as that's proven highly effective for 95%+ of the 15000 subjects in multi year trials, and kept the weight off for years.

Reconstitute with enough BAC to ensure each dose is at least .5ml in volume. More is ok, less is not.

Officially it's 4 weekly doses each of 2.5mg, 5mg, 7.5mg. 10mg, 12.5mg, 15mg.

A few deviations are acceptable within the protocol, mainly, accelerating through the lower dose levels as they're often completely ineffective for most males, and only serve as a "loading dose".

After starting at 2.5, if you feel nothing, you can go to 5 the following week. (do not "top up", wait for the next weekly dose day.).

After 2 x 5mg doses if you still feel nothing you can move to 7.5mg.

At this point wait 4 weeks before titrating to 10mg. It takes that long for maximum blood plasma concentrations to be reached, and what may feel like a weak effect can become much stronger with each additional administration of the same dose.

You can stay at any given dose as long as you want.

Finally, UGL does not appear to be as effective as pharma at the same dose, so while Zepbound tops out at 15mg, going higher with UGL Tirz may be necessary to reach your maintainance dose after achieving goal weight.
I just received my first QSC Test-C 250 order from the pre-order promo and all 30 vials are crashed/crystallized. I guess I’ll heat them up and hope for the best.
this is pretty standard. i use a hairdryer that has a flat tip so it kinda stays standing up while i stick the vials in front of it. they probably wont recrash after this if its just sitting in your house

many people here use an induction coffee mug warmer. cheers

The reality is the membership here don't adhere to the basic standards many have fought so hard to acheive and "mainstream".

Yeah, that is a huge problem of late & IMO it stems from the influx of people from Reddit etc who primarily see Meso as a place to buy PEDs & now meds like GLP’s etc, rather than the more “traditional” type of member that historically dominated Meso’s member base

members who say they want a change / support harm reduction stop engaging in constant off-topic discussion & banter in QSC (& other source) threads. Questions about & feedback on that sources goods & service ONLY. @Millard has been asking members to do this for fucking ages & everyone ignores the request.

Thank you @Zebedee. I'll do a better job from here on. My apology @Millard.
Anybody have feedback on qsc Sildenafil? I e never taken a dose that high before. Looking for some feedback from someone that’s tried qsc’s


Thank you @Zebedee. I'll do a better job from here on. My apology @Millard.

We'll have to disagree here.

You can shout at heroin addicts that they simply need to stop patronizing the dealer and buying his harm inducing product.

Or you can recognize they will do what they will, meet them where they are, and work with them to minimize the risk they're exposed to.

I have made a point of mocking the floaters, while campaigning for filtration. That's not a statement that floaters are ok. It's a practical step towards reducing harm.

I'm not gong to scream at everyone who patronizes a vendor who hasn't performed heavy metal testing (while that is certainly an ideal), since I'll be ignored, but I will try to convince them to use a little extra BAC to reduce the immunogenicity they're inducing form overly concentrated solutions.

It's about harm reduction, not harm elimination. Not allowing an insistence on the perfect to interfere with small, practical, incremental changes towards the good.

And as to the asshole looking down his nose at "glp users", maybe you need to be reminded he's not someone who's once advocated for anything like the testing you, or I do, or put the effort into contributing to "harm reduction" in any novel way.

Customer service is not a "harm reduction" issue. Rock bottom prices coming with rock bottom customer service has always been the bargain, and intelligent people can decide they're ok with it, betting they'll never need to rely on it, just getting their low priced goods and moving on.
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I'm not gong to scream at everyone who patronizes a vendor who hasn't performed heavy metal testing (while that is certainly an ideal),
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I think that was part of the message shared that I should not be in here doing that. Hence, I'll avoid any further proselytizing. Have a great evening.
Males have a higher density of GLP receptors, and the weight loss effect is believed to depend on the *proportion* of receptors agonized. So all other factors being equal, a male will typically require a higher dose to achieve the equivalent weight loss of a female.
Facts. The penis is a GLP 1 lightning rod known to greedily pilfer up to 50% of the dose in it's dense receptors. If you're wielding a starving johnson GLP 1 will satiate and domesticate the hungriest and feral-ist hog.
Facts. The penis is a GLP 1 lightning rod known to greedily pilfer up to 50% of the dose in it's dense receptors. If you're wielding a starving johnson GLP 1 will satiate and domesticate the hungriest and feral-ist hog.

Sometimes just gotta give a fattie the ole Ben and Jerry’s date night then unzip the Retalog on her in the backseat of her 07 Acura in the parking lot….science.

funny GIF
Finally, UGL does not appear to be as effective as pharma at the same dose, so while Zepbound tops out at 15mg, going higher with UGL Tirz may be necessary to reach your maintainance dose after achieving goal weight.
Based on what? Anecdotal feels reports?

If you're taking 2.5 every 4 days, your dose is actually 4.5mg/week. You're also inducing more immunogenicity needlessly, but that's common.
And? What's your point? According to the data we have there is no downside or benefit at all.

Are we freaking out about this testosterone shortage?
I have a 1-year supply. The way people are talking it's like we will never get underground testosterone again.
Have a bit of a chronic case of this. Any advice? I assumed it was a shoulder issue until further research and some physio tests to differentiate between a rotator cuff issue and biceps tendonitis.
recommend a 3 stretch combination , lat, pec, bicep tendon last. the other 2 bigger muscles need to be stretched first so that the 3rd stretch will actually be effective. if your tendonitis has it "glued" to your other tendons as they say. doing this a few times a week might have you noticing more comfort in as soon as one or two weeks. use caution as there is no saying whats actually going on with you without seeing it and it can definitely be worth the money to see a physical therapist on self pay

i havent done all this in a while because havent had any issues but the two times i did this worked great.

lats: you can hang, and also use a doorframe to get creative one arm at a time. take your time stretch both, then each seperately. work different angles and really loosen up your lats mainly plus whatever you want while your at it wont hurt.

pecs: use doorframe put hands or forearms or elbows on door and lean forward into it. find the best angle. for the second pec stretch you can put your palms on the table or counter back against the counter, then lunge down doing a dip movement type of stretch.

last stretch the bicep tendon. use the doorframe or whatever you want for this one. elbow straightened, arm inbetween straight up and straight out, at 45 ish degrees (this isnt exact so find yourself a killer angle). so your hand will be higher than your head and you reach back and up and grab the doorframe/squatrack. really lean forward into it, it might feel good and you might get tingly numb if youre doing it with high intensity. youll find a great angle or angles its a really intense stretch. you can do palm up and palm to the side with thumb up and play with the hand angle as well to REALLY unglue that bastard.

check out nerve flossing if you dont see immediate results from this. i would check out ulnar nerve and one or two in the neck it could do hand it hand with tendon inflamation they are all very easy and also have shown me borderline immediate results anytime i get elbow clicking and sensations like that anywhere
youtube is your friend i learned all this from youtube im too lazy to find you a link

im willing to bet if you rotated between the stretch routine, rest day, nerve flossing, rest day, stretch routine, rest day, and so on. you see improvement in a week, and a temporary remission for a while after like only two weeks as long as its as minor as what im thinking. start light i cant repeat enough
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