Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Both can actually be taken daily. But tadalafil has more commonly been used for that purpose because of the longer half life.


im connecting the dots
I made an order for the black November 36iuX10 HGH kits last week with an order of semaglutide and some other stuff. Was the black November hgh sale stuff coming international? Just wondering because I ordered the same number of hgh kits and semaglutide. A domestic package showed up and im assuming it's the semaglutide. I just don't want to give my buddy that wants the semaglutide my growth. I guess if anyone can tell me if the growth is coming from china it will answer my question. Thanks
It would be great if these guys made tadalafil 2.5 mg tablets

Even 5 with a split. But then it's hard to compete with India pharma for those.

I'm not. Pfizer makes Viagra. Lily makes Cialis. Why wouldn't Pfizer want to see their product used daily?

Cialis is FDA approved for daily use for a bunch of conditions, and a mountain of evidence for its safety and benefits. Viagra can be used daily, but isn't approved as a lifelong "daily" pill or to treat other conditions, and doesn't have nearly the same amount of evidence of health benefits.

Besides, Viagra sucks :)
I made an order for the black November 36iuX10 HGH kits last week with an order of semaglutide and some other stuff. Was the black November hgh sale stuff coming international? Just wondering because I ordered the same number of hgh kits and semaglutide. A domestic package showed up and im assuming it's the semaglutide. I just don't want to give my buddy that wants the semaglutide my growth. I guess if anyone can tell me if the growth is coming from china it will answer my question. Thanks
The 36iu vile will be over half full and the semaglutide vile should be about .25 (1/4) full
I made an order for the black November 36iuX10 HGH kits last week with an order of semaglutide and some other stuff. Was the black November hgh sale stuff coming international? Just wondering because I ordered the same number of hgh kits and semaglutide. A domestic package showed up and im assuming it's the semaglutide. I just don't want to give my buddy that wants the semaglutide my growth. I guess if anyone can tell me if the growth is coming from china it will answer my question. Thanks

"Bro, I'm not losing any weight but I'm starting to grow a Joe Rogan square head. Is that normal?"
Even 5 with a split. But then it's hard to compete with India pharma for those.

I'm not. Pfizer makes Viagra. Lily makes Cialis. Why wouldn't Pfizer want to see their product used daily?

Cialis is FDA approved for daily use for a bunch of conditions, and a mountain of evidence for its safety and benefits. Viagra can be used daily, but isn't approved as a lifelong "daily" pill or to treat other conditions, and doesn't have nearly the same amount of evidence of health benefits.

Besides, Viagra sucks :)
Yeah I agree, Ive tried both at varying dosages and tadalafil (cialis) is a lot nicer in many ways. Besides sildenafil causing much more side effects, it's not always easy to perfectly time when you're having sex. I had it kick in once when I was at the dinner table with my girlfriends parents. I started turning visibly red, stuffy nose and getting a lot more than a half chub for no reason.
Yeah I agree, Ive tried both at varying dosages and tadalafil (cialis) is a lot nicer in many ways. Besides sildenafil causing much more side effects, it's not always easy to perfectly time when you're having sex. I had it kick in once when I was at the dinner table with my girlfriends parents. I started turning visibly red, stuffy nose and getting a lot more than a half chub for no reason.

To me, the worst side is that everything looks like it's lit with a police station fluorescent light. It interferes with "red cone vision".

The only benefit, when using it "on demand", is it's a lot more reliable. Cialis sometimes didn't kick in until the next morning, lol. But daily make that a non issue. Always walking around with the gun half-cocked, as it were.
At least ol dude is offering research backed opinions as to why we see such anecdotal spread of efficacy between pharma and UGL HGH. A much more clearly laid out hypothesis backed with links to studies compared to the nonsense Kurt Havens and other "ped educators" spread about UGL vs Pharma hgh. "It's the polymers in ugl hgh", "the molecular weight of UGL hgh is different than the MW of pharma"
Forget about PED educators. There are even person to person differences that affect response to meds. 8 people can take same meds and 5 respond differently from 3. A lot of this is simple extrapolation.
This immunogenicity thing is being beaten to death.
There are actual peptides that provoke strong immune responses. Cjc, Tesa and Tb500 to mention a few. Tesa has been studied in particular, and most people develop immuogenicity to it. That response is the small lump or mosquito bite some folks feel after a tesa injection, and that's about where it ends. It doesn't affect efficacy.
A lot of other things can explain differences in response, especially to lyophilized peptides. Anything from fillers, to counterions to hidden modifications that the UGL lab doesn't disclose (like some folks modifying BPC to escape export restrictions), hell, even the famous endotoxins! To lay everything on the altar of immumogenicity is too scape-goaty.

Unfortunately I cannot battle extrapolation with further extrapolation. There will be no definitive tests because main pharma will likely never invest in ugl research so the best we can run on is anecdotes.

Lastly, even purity as we know it can be quite misleading. There is a fundamental misunderstanding of purity. A slightly degrading peptide can actually increase in purity under HPLC, so there's that. It doesn't mean that the 96% is 'less pure' than the 98%.
Theoretically therefore HGH can degrade and give you 98-99% with very little dimer because the degraded fragments are more hydrophilic and elute outside the dimer's range, or the aggregates are too large and are missed by standard HPLC.. Not to mention that dimers themselves can actually degrade.
Let's stop looking for simple answers to complex physiological puzzles.
Immunogenicity as we know it is yet to affect efficacy of pharma. Why should we extrapolate that it is rife in UGL?
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You're suggesting no need to bother because it can't possibly be a problem. You likely won't be satisfied without a trial intentionally trying to induce immunogenicity in subjects, which would never be allowed, The FDA specifically expresses great concern that trial subjects not be exposed to immunogenic risks, and so the unpublished computer simulations, in vitro tests, and animal studies are performed, then adjustments are made, and only once the FDA is very confident a particular protocol won't be an issue will trials on human subjects be allowed.

We are the *trial subjects* for a whole host of experiments with these unr

View attachment 305755

Yes, this is not your 2% immunogenicity that we question is causing sides or lack of efficacy. These are the Anaphylaxis people have after taking the likes of:
TB500 or more specifically, TB frag 17-23; While it is great for muscles but can trigger mast cell degranulation, and make one feel like they are dying (or actually die)
Tesamorelin; several people have had severe allergic reactions.
CJC; People died during clinical trials from allergic reaction.

That being said, I agree with your overall caution and guides to taking these peps, simply because we cannot simply trust UGL stuff whole heartedly.
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Forget about PED educators. There are even person to person differences that affect response to meds. 8 people can take same meds and 5 respond differently from 3. A lot of this is simple extrapolation.
This immunogenicity thing is being beaten to death.
There are actual peptides that provoke strong immune responses. Cjc, Tesa and Tb500 to mention a few. Tesa has been studied in particular, and most people develop immuogenicity to it. That response is the small lump or mosquito bite some folks feel after a tesa injection, and that's about where it ends. It doesn't affect efficacy.

A lot of other things can explain differences in response, especially to lyophilized peptides. Anything from fillers, to counterions to hidden modifications that the UGL lab doesn't disclose (like some folks modifying BPC to escape export restrictions), to lay everything on the alta of immumogenicity is too scape-goaty.

Unfortunately I cannot battle extrapolation with further extrapolation. There will be no definitive tests because main pharma will likely never invest in ugl research so the best we can run on is anecdotes.

Lastly, even purity as we know it can be quite misleading. There is a fundamental misunderstanding of purity. A slightly degrading peptide can actually increase in purity under HPLC, so there's that. It doesn't mean that the 96% is 'less pure' than the 98%.
Theoretically therefore HGH can degrade and give you 98-99% with very little dimer because the degraded fragments are more hydrophilic and elute outside the dimer's range, or the aggregates are too large and are missed by standard HPLC.. Not to mention that dimers themselves can actually degrade.
Let's stop looking for simple answers to complex physiological puzzles.
Immunogenicity as we know it is yet to affect efficacy of pharma. Why should we extrapolate that it is rife in UGL?


Here we go again:

No study of Tesamorelin concludes "Immunogenicity only results in lumps".

What the phase III trial, the most comprehensive study of Tesamorelin's immunogenicity says, in effect is:

"In clinical trials. when using our pharma formulation, manufacturing process and protocol of Tesamorelin, reconstituted to the specified concentration, in the specified dose, at the specified interval, in the demographic of subjects in this study, it does not produce immunogenicity that rises to a clinically significant level beyond local site reactions."

It DOES NOT say "Therefore any poorly produced UGL copy, supplied with random or absent excipients, in contaminant filled cheap containers, stored and transported in a wide range of uncontrolled temps, reconstituted to a random PH, using BAC of unknown quality, to a random concentration cannot create a much greater degree of immunogenic response that results in more substantial effects than 'creating lumps' ".


Theratechnologies 2023:

"Hey, Middus says this immunogenicity shit is behind us, it only produces mosquito bite like reactions, let's release a more concentrated version of our 15 year old peptide, Tesamorelin, so the injection volume can be reduced and more patients will stick with it!"

FDA 2024:

The FDA has denied approval of Theratechnologies’ F8 formulation of tesamorelin

The FDA is also seeking additional information on the potential effects of the more concentrated formulation of tesamorelin on immunogenicity risk.

...the regulator pointed to issues regarding tesamorelin’s chemistry, manufacturing and controls, particularly regarding impurities, microbiological assays the stability of the lyophilized drug as well as the final reconstituted product.


We'll look at that. The retards at the FDA think something we all know is meaningless, the reconstituted concentration of a peptide, is a reason to raise the alarm. Just reconstitute to whatever works, everyone knows that,

I suggest you let the FDA know this "immunogenicity thing" has been "beaten to death." and stop being concerned with nonsense. Why are they worried about a mosquito bite, and standing in the way of progress, costing that biotech company tens of millions of dollars with delays?

I'm debating whether it's worth the effort to bring you some of the countless examples of protein therapeutics. from GLPs to Hgh pharma products that even in their final, FDA approved form, STILL result in an immunogenicity that reduces or entirely neutralizes effectiveness, resulting in treatment failure for the patient. And again, these are drugs that pharma spent years developing, with everything from manufacturing, to containers, to handling focused on minimizing immunogenicity.

You make the mistake of assuming that you're seeing how inconsequential immunogenicity is based on the human trials, when what you're really seeing is the end product of years of effort to engineer immunogenicity out of the final peptide product. The "scary" data of the "sloppy" beta versions (more similar to UGL) is never made public.

I could show you countless examples of peptide therapeutics that got through all the initial stages of development and approval, but a microscopic drop of silicon lubricant in a syringe created aggregates that induced immunogenicity in the first human trials causing such a bad response, the e trials were cancelled and development stopped.

But I suspect you'll never be convinced it's worthy of paying attention. to.

This will always be some abstract, low probability threat, no matter how it's nearly impossible to put together a worse set of circumstances to generate maximum immunogenicity than what's going on with UGL peptides and HGH.

The "didn't lose an ass cheek so it's sterile enough" school of medicine.

For everyone else, filter your peptides. It'll not only reduce or eliminate site reactions, it may prevent the steady loss of effectiveness that many pharma peptides induce in a subset of patients, sometimes over very long periods of time.
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Forget about PED educators. There are even person to person differences that affect response to meds. 8 people can take same meds and 5 respond differently from 3. A lot of this is simple extrapolation.
This immunogenicity thing is being beaten to death.
There are actual peptides that provoke strong immune responses. Cjc, Tesa and Tb500 to mention a few. Tesa has been studied in particular, and most people develop immuogenicity to it. That response is the small lump or mosquito bite some folks feel after a tesa injection, and that's about where it ends. It doesn't affect efficacy.
A lot of other things can explain differences in response, especially to lyophilized peptides. Anything from fillers, to counterions to hidden modifications that the UGL lab doesn't disclose (like some folks modifying BPC to escape export restrictions), hell, even the famous endotoxins! To lay everything on the altar of immumogenicity is too scape-goaty.

Unfortunately I cannot battle extrapolation with further extrapolation. There will be no definitive tests because main pharma will likely never invest in ugl research so the best we can run on is anecdotes.

Lastly, even purity as we know it can be quite misleading. There is a fundamental misunderstanding of purity. A slightly degrading peptide can actually increase in purity under HPLC, so there's that. It doesn't mean that the 96% is 'less pure' than the 98%.
Theoretically therefore HGH can degrade and give you 98-99% with very little dimer because the degraded fragments are more hydrophilic and elute outside the dimer's range, or the aggregates are too large and are missed by standard HPLC.. Not to mention that dimers themselves can actually degrade.
Let's stop looking for simple answers to complex physiological puzzles.
Immunogenicity as we know it is yet to affect efficacy of pharma. Why should we extrapolate that it is rife in UGL?
You make a great set of points. However, why would it hurt anyone if we were privy to this information? Why say immunogenicity is "beaten to death?" So what! Let's hear it... let's see it. And, let's hear and see EVERY side to the discussion. You made a good point about Tesamorelin immunogenicity. Let's hear ALL that's related to it. Are we a bunch of Nazis controlling/limiting information?

Now, if the information is faulty or misrepresented, I can understand. This is yet another reason why the discussion should be allowed to continue.

While we operate our motor vehicles, we can be killed anytime, anywhere. Odds are low. But, does that mean any of us are going to stop driving? Are any of us going to stop wearing seat belts? Maybe some of us will.

At least if we have knowledge of ALL the dangers, we can minimize/reduce harm, if we so choose. It's each person's choice. If you don't want to wear your seatbelt, does that mean I can't, or shouldn't, wear mine?
You make a great set of points. However, why would it hurt anyone if we were privy to this information? Why say immunogenicity is "beaten to death?" So what! Let's hear it... let's see it. And, let's hear and see EVERY side to the discussion. You made a good point about Tesamorelin immunogenicity. Let's hear ALL that's related to it. Are we a bunch of Nazis controlling/limiting information?

Now, if the information is faulty or misrepresented, I can understand. This is yet another reason why the discussion should be allowed to continue.

While we operate our motor vehicles, we can be killed anytime, anywhere. Odds are low. But, does that mean any of us are going to stop driving? Are any of us going to stop wearing seat belts? Maybe some of us will.

At least if we have knowledge of ALL the dangers, we can minimize/reduce harm, if we so choose. It's each person's choice. If you don't want to wear your seatbelt, does that mean I can't, or shouldn't, wear mine?
Because the dude is conflating!! Immumogenicity is a huge range of things. The way weapon can mean anything from a catapault to a knife to even a howitzer. Immunigenicity is anything from your ISR to Anaphylactic shock.
I'm pretty sure there are folks out there that have gotten Anaphylaxis from HGH. How about I keep slapping that warning anytime someone posts about HGH sides? Is that appropriate? I doubt. I am not gate keeping, I'm just saying dude is mad extrapolating!
You make a great set of points. However, why would it hurt anyone if we were privy to this information? Why say immunogenicity is "beaten to death?" So what! Let's hear it... let's see it. And, let's hear and see EVERY side to the discussion. You made a good point about Tesamorelin immunogenicity. Let's hear ALL that's related to it. Are we a bunch of Nazis controlling/limiting information?

Now, if the information is faulty or misrepresented, I can understand. This is yet another reason why the discussion should be allowed to continue.

While we operate our motor vehicles, we can be killed anytime, anywhere. Odds are low. But, does that mean any of us are going to stop driving? Are any of us going to stop wearing seat belts? Maybe some of us will.

At least if we have knowledge of ALL the dangers, we can minimize/reduce harm, if we so choose. It's each person's choice. If you don't want to wear your seatbelt, does that mean I can't, or shouldn't, wear mine?

It's part of the reason I keep mentioning Tesamorelin. Tseamorelin is no joke. It provokes strong immune reactions. But besides the point, he went fishing for immunogenicity concerns and made it seem as if that was why the FDA denied F8. The FDA letter highlighted these main factors:


Even at 4 times the concentration of a compound known to provoke strong imnunogenicity, it (immunogenicity) was not the PRIMARY reason for the denial. Of course the FDA will ask for data about immunogenicity. Its Tesamorelin duh!!
since we are on the peptide rant. how many mL would you reconstitute a 36ui hgh vial with? to reduce immunogenicity or whatever

Curious as well. When you get an answer can you tag me lol

Just out of curiosity I asked chatgpt so take this response with a grain of salt. Ai isn’t always reliable or accurate.

To minimize the risk of immunogenicity when reconstituting a 36 IU vial of HGH, it’s important to properly dilute the powder with bacteriostatic water while maintaining sterility. The amount of water you mix doesn’t directly affect immunogenicity; rather, it’s about ensuring proper handling and administration to avoid protein denaturation or degradation that could trigger an immune response.

Reconstitution Guide

1. Common Dilution Ratios

• For easier dosing and accurate measurement, you can reconstitute with 3.6 mL of bacteriostatic water.

• This makes 1 IU = 0.1 mL (10 units on an insulin syringe).

• Alternatively, use 1.8 mL if you prefer a more concentrated solution (1 IU = 0.05 mL, or 5 units on a syringe).

2. Key Practices to Avoid Immunogenicity

• Use Bacteriostatic Water: This prevents bacterial growth and extends the shelf life of the reconstituted HGH.

• Slowly Inject the Water: Inject the water down the side of the vial, not directly onto the powder, to prevent foaming or damage to the protein.

• Do Not Shake the Vial: Gently swirl or roll the vial between your hands to dissolve the powder. Shaking can denature the HGH and increase immunogenicity risk.

• Maintain Sterility: Always use a sterile syringe and needle to prevent contamination.

3. Storage After Reconstitution

• Store the reconstituted HGH in the refrigerator at 2-8°C (36-46°F).

• Use it within 10-14 days to minimize degradation.

4. Administration Tips

• Use a subcutaneous injection (common sites include the abdomen or thigh).

• Rotate injection sites to prevent local irritation or buildup of antibodies.

Additional Considerations

• Immunogenicity Risks Are Low: Properly stored and handled pharmaceutical-grade HGH has a low risk of triggering an immune response.

• Bloodwork Monitoring: If you’re concerned about immunogenicity, periodic testing for neutralizing antibodies can help ensure the therapy remains effective.

Let me know if you’d like a more detailed protocol or assistance with dosing!
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This is now the most depressing thread. I just spend a little time catching up. What a waste, Not one Roid rage, not one butt hurt peptide user and fuck not one person told to go eat dog shit!!! Im not gonna lose hope just yet, but i do think i am going to try and acquire some anti depressants to keep on hand if youi fuckers keep this shit up...