Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

No you misunderstood the whole puppet statement.... it had nessesarly nothing to do with qsc. People use people as puppets in general. It was a mother fucking general statement about how people.puff up other people to get into the way of other people's angle and the puppet does not even realize it.... don't you turn my mother fu king words into something I didn't say .. you fucking here me..
im not ginna plat this fucking he said she said bullshit with you..
Got it. Thanks for clarifying. Appreciate the explanation.

I was just coming at it from the sheer principle of it but I understand your POV.
it’s literally been easier to keep stocked with ancillaries & peptides this month than it has been with eggs. i’m having to hit 2 and 3 stores each time i shop, all with limits per customer.
You might check Sam’s club if it’s available to you. We picked up a 5 dozen case for $18 and change yesterday.
Wife and I were talking about that. Best explanation I could concoct is that Broilers have been bread to grow so quickly for slaughter, that stock was replenished quickly. Whereas layers to replenish the culled birds are still growing towards being ready to lay.
I can take a chicken from day 1 and have it fat ready to eat in 2 months. Layers take 4-5 months to start producing depending on breed
You might check Sam’s club if it’s available to you. We picked up a 5 dozen case for $18 and change yesterday.
thanks for the heads up. went to Costco again this afternoon and they are still out. there is a Sams way out of of my way, but i’ll make the trek if i can stock up.
Never had an issue with QSC in the past however it seems I got ripped off or intentionally scammed.

Ordered 17/12 x 1 kit Primo E.

Package landed 6/1 and due to existing supply, only just opened today. They’ve sent me Tren Hex.

The order was placed just before it went out of stock, so I’m assuming they still fulfilled the order with something else just to not have to refund me.

Assume this will just need to be written off now as nobody is responding to emails?

The vials also had ‘Tren H’ written on them ?? I’ve never seen or heard of them doing something so stupid.
First off it has been said Already that they do put different names on label apparently for "stealth reasons"

Second, if you ordered a ton of gear (I can't understand how much I'll guess 17 kits) shouldn't you send 1 vial to Janosky to have it tested and have peace of mind?

It will tell you exactly what's inside stealth packaging or not.
Never had an issue with QSC in the past however it seems I got ripped off or intentionally scammed.

Ordered 17/12 x 1 kit Primo E.

Package landed 6/1

First off it has been said Already that they do put different names on label apparently for "stealth reasons"

Second, if you ordered a ton of gear (I can't understand how much I'll guess 17 kits)
I think it's only one (1) kit of Primo E bro.

Ordered 17/12 = 12/17/2024
landed 6/1 = 01/06/2025

He's using European/South American date format... DD/MM/YYYY

But, you're right, everthing was labeled "Tren Hex" for "stealth reasons" according to Q.