Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There's an instructional video on youtube where a guy injects his soft dong and it gets hard in less than a minute.

There is no way in fuck that I need any of this shit....but for an extended fucking session, I'm wondering if it might come in handy...
I was at a sex party and it wouldn't go down. I was sitting in the couch and my wife told some girl that I wanted to fuck her for a while. She grabbed. A condom, started sucking my dick, out the condom on and started riding me while her husband watched
I'm still on my kit that I got domestically, not sure which batch but it had blue tops. The ones I got today from china have black tops. I'm a little nervous some potency of my peptides will have been lost since the package crossed the country during a heat wave and I can only imagine it sat in trucks that probably went over 35 degrees C which isn't great but hopefully nothing major. so far the GH I've been using has been good.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the heat. Unless it’s been baking at like 120F+ for months straight, the degradation should be minimal (at least according to a bunch of anecdotal reports I’ve read).

What I’m more worried about is the variability of purity between batches. I’ve seen on multiple occasions a source releases a really pure batch, and then the next subsequent batch turns out to be total crap. Seems to be a very tricky compound to get right CONSISTENTLY.

The last batch of QSC’s GH turned out to be really pure. Unfortunately, this isn’t necessarily a guarantee that the new one will be equally as pure. This is why I’m losing my shit over the new GH test report. Would really like to know what I’m getting before I drop almost $2000 haha

If you wouldn’t mind, could you update me on how the new batch is working out for you after you’ve gotten a chance to use it for a couple weeks? Would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I wouldn’t worry too much about the heat. Unless it’s been baking at like 120F+ for months straight, the degradation should be minimal (at least according to a bunch of anecdotal reports I’ve read).

What I’m more worried about is the variability of purity between batches. I’ve seen on multiple occasions a source releases a really pure batch, and then the next subsequent batch turns out to be total crap. Seems to be a very tricky compound to get right CONSISTENTLY.

The last batch of QSC’s GH turned out to be really pure. Unfortunately, this isn’t necessarily a guarantee that the new one will be equally as pure. This is why I’m losing my shit over the new GH test report. Would really like to know what I’m getting before I drop almost $2000 haha

If you wouldn’t mind, could you update me on how the new batch is working out for you after you’ve gotten a chance to use it for a couple weeks? Would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I have blue tops from eu warehouse got them like 2-3weeks ago. 5ius splitted 2iu morning 3iu evening. Feel more full, 3iu makes me little more sleepy in the evening and even tho ive been slacking on diet seems to keep me leaner (im a fat fuck anyways) could be placebo but after my 2iu morning pin i head to work and dont eat for 2-3hours sometimes more so should be getting that lipolysis
I wouldn’t worry too much about the heat. Unless it’s been baking at like 120F+ for months straight, the degradation should be minimal (at least according to a bunch of anecdotal reports I’ve read).

What I’m more worried about is the variability of purity between batches. I’ve seen on multiple occasions a source releases a really pure batch, and then the next subsequent batch turns out to be total crap. Seems to be a very tricky compound to get right CONSISTENTLY.

The last batch of QSC’s GH turned out to be really pure. Unfortunately, this isn’t necessarily a guarantee that the new one will be equally as pure. This is why I’m losing my shit over the new GH test report. Would really like to know what I’m getting before I drop almost $2000 haha

If you wouldn’t mind, could you update me on how the new batch is working out for you after you’ve gotten a chance to use it for a couple weeks? Would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
sure, I'll try to remember to update here, I may not get around to making my way through those kits for another week or so.
I mean alex kikel and broderick chavex swear by it , so i have a hard time... can you expound
I personally many used different brands that people here in EU swear on. Yet I haven't seen any significant difference in my regular blood work. To me this whole Citrus bergamot hype is overblown. Better take that money and buy more Omega 3, more avocados, fish / salmon and so on. Those things improve your lipid panel a lot.

Red yeast rice is very effective at low doses, too and only costs a penny.
Injected 0.5ml test e monday evening and the pip is quite painful Tuesday evening I don't know it's my body trying to adapt or it's the oil.
Hope everything is going to be okay.
Pornstars been using it.According to Johnny sins they even have pump up dicks in porn now too. Where it's like an implant and you push a little button inside the ball sack and the dong like inflates to superhuman levels LOL
Why not just PT141 instead of needles in the dick. Shit lasts for like 48 hours.
For 50 euros to have a gh with almost 94% purity, no one comes close to the quality price of the gh of quindao. You pay more than double for other brands and it only has a few more units and 1% more purity...
We will be testing a new batch freshly produced as well to compare how can temperature and time impact on the purity, and I am sure we gonna reach +95% on the next Jano test.
Exactly sir, it has been seen as when more than two weeks have passed and with this extreme heat, like other sources, they have also had a degradation of several points with respect to the analysis from winter now to summer. In fact I belong to a group that privately analyzed several products and we did analyzes of their gh in the fall and it gave higher than the analysis of now, which happens that I do not have permission to share the analysis.
We will be testing a new batch freshly produced as well to compare how can temperature and time impact on the purity, and I am sure we gonna reach +95% on the next Jano test.