Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I need some help guys. I just recieved a US Domestic order, Primo E 100 and Tren E 200. I think I know which is which, but the color isn’t what I expect on tren E. It looks clear as water instead of the golden nectar my tren A was.
The piss colored oil is your Tren E. Primo is clear.
But the Piss color one is in the box ending in ME, which is what my primo has been marked as before. While the clear one is in the box ending in 200.

Edit: and the piss one is no where near the color it looks in the picture. Not anywhere as golden as the tren A I ordered before.
I need some help guys. I just recieved a US Domestic order, Primo E 100 and Tren E 200. I think I know which is which, but the color isn’t what I expect on tren E. It looks clear as water instead of the golden nectar my tren A was.
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It should have a label with a letter code on the vials, like S for sustanon B for boldene and D for masteron (drost) I would assume tren would have a T, or TR but I.would email and ask to be sure
you buy it Kits, comes come with 10 vials, each with 10ius's in each
equals 100iu per kiit

you should x amount of kits.... you need to do alot more research but i answered first part of your question buddy, no worries no such thing as a stupid question.... ALL of us had same ones at some point, not 1 person here was a Vet day 1
one landed today, other tomorrow... very nice T
View attachment 170144
Part 2 (international part) of my order received today. Labeled by me, they do come with some "labeling" that is easy enough to figure out. Paid on July 6th, got the domestic portion of my order within days (maybe less than 5 days?). so that's 22 days from payment until receipt of all items. I will be trying the Telmisartan, Metformin, HCG, and HMG (already using their GH) starting today so I'll report back, feel free to ask questions
How are you liking the gh? Did you pick it up recently, or is it from an older batch? Thanks!
It should have a label with a letter code on the vials, like S for sustanon B for boldene and D for masteron (drost) I would assume tren would have a T, or TR but I.would email and ask to be sure
I included the labels in the pic. It makes me worry I was sent an incorrect box, but I know if that’s the case QSC will make it right.
But the Piss color one is in the box ending in ME, which is what my primo has been marked as before. While the clear one is in the box ending in 200.

Edit: and the piss one is no where near the color it looks in the picture. Not anywhere as golden as the tren A I ordered before.

My Tren E looked like the one in your picture but it was GP Tren E, not QSC. All of the primo I have on hand is clear.
Anyone here use the QSC Mk677 tablets before?

I've used a couple of previous brands before at 30mg per day along side test e and always loved the stuff!

Im Eager to try Mk677 from QSC.
My Tren E looked like the one in your picture but it was GP Tren E, not QSC. All of the primo I have on hand is clear.
The ones with the copper tops were in the box with the code ME, which is usually primo. The ones with the white tops were in the box with 200, but look nothing like tren. Box sets are too clear compared to the tren A I got a few weeks ago from QSC.
For those who are wondering often about marks, FYI we often mark them like this, but sometimes it changes, it depends on your order:

TE = test e
TC = test c
TP = test p
sus or 250 = sustanon
Deca = deca or DK
BU = boldo u
BC = boldo cyp
TR = Tren base
TRA = tren a
TRE = tren e
PARA = tren Hexa
ME = primo e
ME 200 = primo 200
MA = primo a
DP = mast p
DE = mast e
Stan = winstrol
D or DB = dianabol
OX = anavar
SUP = superdrol
AN = arimidex
EXE = aromasin
P = proviron
4C = turinabol
F = Anadrol
TM = nolvadex
CL = Clomid
SD = viagra
TD = cialis
FL = halotestin
According to this I think I got Primo E 100mg (ME) and Mast E 200mg (DE200).
I need some help guys. I just recieved a US Domestic order, Primo E 100 and Tren E 200. I think I know which is which, but the color isn’t what I expect on tren E. It looks clear as water instead of the golden nectar my tren A was.
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DE200 is Mast E, it's a mistake if you ordered tren E
If you had already sent an email about this, I will be replying in few minutes.
Been using trimix and caverject for about a year now. Shit is the best. Fuck dick pills and the sides they come with. The shot is awesome it starts working by time im walking out of the bathroom after taking shot and no sides at all. Hard for about 2.5 hours and doesnt go down after you cum. Win win
What is this trimix you're talking about? Is there another name for it?
I’m 10 days out on my international order (china US) and all that’s been updated is “FedEx has been sent shipping info. That was in a matter of 2 days from order. Is it normal to have zero updates until it reaches the country?
I received vials that say D, but the abbreviation ledger says D means d-bol .

It was supposed to be mast e which ledger says should be DE....maybe someone forgot to write the E? Or is this liquid Dbol lol.