Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Not gonna lie the "waste of oxygen" part made me spit out my coffee ffs ! IMAGINE blaming Tracy for Discord banning you ROFL! @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals You do however owe me a keyboard I just ruined .... HAHAHAHA
Kinda though. that discord group put over 1000 folks in Jail. The problem is that some servers require verification. The now permanently banned server mods set up Double counter for verification. This essentially limits you from using an alt to join. So yeah. Partial blame goes to them. Anyway, everyone is wiser now.
The Irony here is that the dude that was complaining here before being kicked out of the server for "spamming" would have been spared from this nuke :D
What drugs aren't illegal?
Over in the "peptide " world they are purchasing "research" materials and they are far from the peices of shit that we are with our class 3 controlled substances. (Steriods) I have experienced this firsthand when I joined their testing server.. which I quit/ got kicked out of..
Yea because you're getting your customers discord accounts banned and suspended. All this after banning anyone from the server that mentions any issue at all.

This source time and time again continues to prove they simply do not give a fuck about their customers whatsoever, only their dollars.
Bullshit. Everyone who uses Discord or other services do so in accordance with that site/service terms of service. You get a ban from discord, it's YOUR problem because of YOUR actions. YOU violated their terms of service as regards potentially illegal/illicit activities by not reporting them and/or by continuing to use the server.

Whiny punks not being accountable for their own actions pisses me off to no end.
Over in the "peptide " world they are purchasing "research" materials and they are far from the peices of shit that we are with our class 3 controlled substances. (Steriods) I have experienced this firsthand when I joined their testing server.. which I quit/ got kicked out of..

The nerve of those GLP pieces of shit using exogenous hormones to cheat their way to a body they should be earning naturally...
The nerve of those GLP pieces of shit using exogenous hormones to cheat their way to a body they should be earning naturally...
I say use whatever you need to...I use a glp.. .. I don't look down on anyone or up .... straight in the eye.... I am stating my personal experience from that side of the fence.. you took the ball and ran the wrong way with that..
Ahhh fuck. I got a warning for violating discords usage policy.

Now I have to evacuate my immediate location and live completely off-grid. Agents from MI5 are already closing in and the Americans have dispatched a squadron of F-22s raptor fighter jets to land precision guided bombs on my house. The country-wide nuclear apocalypse alert has been transmitted to every mobile phone in the UK ⚠️⚠️⚠️

UPDATE - 20:47 (BST)
Our worst nightmare has only just begun. Jesus Christ has just arrived to Earth for the second coming and he has sentenced us to the eternal flames of hell in the afterlife for our treachery!!!

You might not ever hear from me again. Any QSC allies are instructed to retreat and regroup at the rendezvous by 23:15 (BST):

Longitude and Latitude: 40.748440°, -73.984559°


Haha. Why did
Over in the "peptide " world they are purchasing "research" materials and they are far from the peices of shit that we are with our class 3 controlled substances. (Steriods) I have experienced this firsthand when I joined their testing server.. which I quit/ got kicked out of..
you get kicked out?
Bullshit. Everyone who uses Discord or other services do so in accordance with that site/service terms of service. You get a ban from discord, it's YOUR problem because of YOUR actions. YOU violated their terms of service as regards potentially illegal/illicit activities by not reporting them and/or by continuing to use the server.

Whiny punks not being accountable for their own actions pisses me off to no end.
Well either way, a new qsc server was going to be a hard pass on discord. The harbinger of this was when someone in another server shared a QSC PDF pricelist and was hit with a warning by discord. The 2 year violation hit def guarantees people will be walking on eggshells for the next few months.

Discord be like:
Majority of qsc server folk were GLP and other peptides patrons..

Anyway, discord already says the servers you join are your responsibility, So ultimately, people are owning their mess-up.

Over in the "peptide " world they are purchasing "research" materials and they are far from the peices of shit that we are with our class 3 controlled substances. (Steriods) I have experienced this firsthand when I joined their testing server.. which I quit/ got kicked out of..

Those are definitely illegal to technically sell and require a prescription to purchase.

The whole "research chemical" crap doesn't apply if some type of regulating entity wanted to go after people. in honesty, its a waste of time. doesnt make it any less illegal
Bunch of cry babies crying over a discord account hahahaha, holy fuck what has this world come to.

You guys need a break from the internet, go have a run, bring your kids to the park, take up knitting I don’t know, distract yourself from the online world. Go pig out on cakes and pizza, bang some trannies do whatever to stop this child like behaviors lol.
Haha. Why did

you get kicked out?
I was very excited about joining!!! I'm not very tech savvy and at a time when I was working 13hrs a day and training 2hrs it took me a week to so all the freaking crap to in there.. man I was excited!! Joined a couple of test. Got official.. then started pushing for a multi tabs test of like 5 or 6 different tabs.. then all the sudden they was like .. hey guys we will no longer be testing class 3 steriods... they are illegal and we are scared(basically) I went off and said some stupid stuff and signed out.. then I'm sure banned.. the arrangement was mutual... I later learned that some of the things I said was possibly not nice and might have hurt someone's feelings.. I felt bad... hey those guys are doing some good things over there. I just got mad...
Those are definitely illegal to technically sell and require a prescription to purchase.

The whole "research chemical" crap doesn't apply if some type of regulating entity wanted to go after people. in honesty, its a waste of time. doesnt make it any less illegal
This argument has been trashed out for longer than Freezer vs Fridge peptide storage, and has caused for people to demand for evidence more than Endotoxin and heavy metal testing.
Illegal or not, It is against Discords terms. Servers get nuked for selling beauty products and peptide box cases too. So, as things are now, I need an Alt to buy Velatox for the mrs
Ghoul is probably too big to leave his basement.
Injects in floppy skin.
Yells at mom to do groceries, need more Velveeta ma.
Just look how he's in EVERY thread.
Discord etc
Zero life.
*Astartes looks at Ghoul suddenly, realizing he looks suspiciously like Bubble Bass from SpongeBob*

I knew it!