Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

First and only HGH AUS domestic promo

HGH 10IU : Packs of 5 kits (500IU overfilled) , $55(USD)/kit instead of $80/kit = Total 275 USD

Shipping $15, and for orders over 100 kits : Free shipping

Ends : Sept 11th

Contact info:

Whatsapp: +86 16503300980

Ordering form:

List of items you want:
Shipping address (including city, state and zip code):
Phone number:
Preferred payment method:

If the inventory is cleared during the promo (HGH out of stock), QSC will cover the cost of testing of 3 vials, dimer included, sent by aussies to janoshik together, and shipping cost from the Hub to Janoshik
Looks like you have some extra reasons to stick to QSC and not try every chinese that pops up in this forum, it’s not for nothing that we have a such long track here, even that some desesperatly try to push new ones, it’s just a matter of few time because they screw up, scam, or get busted.
QSC is looking for the long term partnership with meso members and that’s why we invest in customer service, speed, a looot of testing, you just need to be patient, tabs are coming, more in production and it’s matter of few time QSC will become a one stop shop for all of you.
Looks like you have some extra reasons to stick to QSC and not try every chinese that pops up in this forum, it’s not for nothing that we have a such long track here, even that some desesperatly try to push new ones, it’s just a matter of few time because they screw up, scam, or get busted.
QSC is looking for the long term partnership with meso members and that’s why we invest in customer service, speed, a looot of testing, you just need to be patient, tabs are coming, more in production and it’s matter of few time QSC will become a one stop shop for all of you.
Just please don't ever get shut down.
Looks like you have some extra reasons to stick to QSC and not try every chinese that pops up in this forum, it’s not for nothing that we have a such long track here, even that some desesperatly try to push new ones, it’s just a matter of few time because they screw up, scam, or get busted.
QSC is looking for the long term partnership with meso members and that’s why we invest in customer service, speed, a looot of testing, you just need to be patient, tabs are coming, more in production and it’s matter of few time QSC will become a one stop shop for all of you.
Y’all take a lotta shit from several accounts. But I was around and using y’all pretty soon after you arrived here and have ordered from both lines several times and never had a single issue. It’s been easy and personally, it’s been a very professional back n forth every single time.

I realize it doesn’t go perfect for everyone every time. But I have a feeling if customers knew how to communicate a little more cordially and professionally, I believe there would be less incidents in general.

I’m definitely not kissing QSC ass here but I have a feeling many times things go to shit when more often when customers are either super impatient or don’t know how to communicate in a friendly manner when things aren’t going perfectly with their order early on. I’m not saying Tracy is perfect by any means. He’s a human with actual emotions too. But I’m just saying I’ve never had any issues whatsoever in feeling that I got more or equal to what I paid for in the end of transaction. And in a very timely manner all things considered.

Now about this copying the hashtag garbage… I’m not a fan lol. I miss the simple barcode image thing you just scan with your camera and click two buttons on cash app far better. That’s probably the only thing that’s keeping me from ordering more often.

Looking forward to going broke with the new promos. And dammit, it feels like Chinese new year was just a freakin month ago. How many new years yall celebrate in one calendar year over there?
For reference, a transaction hash is NOT a hashtag. Rather, it is a 64-character encoding of the blockchain transaction identification which can be thought of as your public receipt showing the transaction details (who sent how much to whom on what date, etc.) This is not to be confused with an application's transaction identification which is used internally for the wallet/application only.