Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

To be fair, quality has incrementally improved over time. Purity, testing, can't find fault in the direction QSCs been going. The "soft product" of customer service not so much. But let's be honest, for most, at a sharp enough price, as long as you eventually get what you ordered, thats good enough.
I find the customer is asshole funny considering the volume they do. But I refuse to order more than one specific item at whatever quantity from them anymore when they make the codes on the box unreadable with shipping labels covering them up.
I find the customer is asshole funny considering the volume they do. But I refuse to order more than one specific item at whatever quantity from them anymore when they make the codes on the box unreadable with shipping labels covering them up.

What's really telling is how cowed everyone is, not daring to incur Tracy's wrath, or risk getting banned as a customer, being very careful not to make him angry, even when they're complaining. This thread is North Korea, lol.

Of course I'm in no way criticizing Tracy, who's clearly very witty and I say this with the greatest respect...
What's really telling is how cowed everyone is, not daring to incur Tracy's wrath, or risk getting banned as a customer, being very careful not to make him angry, even when they're complaining. This thread is North Korea, lol.

Of course I'm in no way criticizing Tracy, who's clearly very witty and I say this with the greatest respect...
I sincerely doubt anyone cares one bit about Tracy’s feelings about anything. What they do generally care about is their drug supply.

I think the distinction also needs to be pointed out between what is legitimate grievance vs what is some entitled idiot who I would not trust with a bottle of Pepto much less a vial of Tren.

I know in the world we all inhabit people’s brains can only process absolutes, but nuance and a critical eye is often what is needed
Imo, if you are prepared to buy (again) from people who you think capable of doing this, then it says more about you than it does about them, in the end.
Hey now... This is a source where someone (allegedly) tossed out an order that (allegedly) was worth a few thousands, because they couldn't risk a reship. Yet, this individual still went and placed an order with QSC. The allure of QSC needs to be investigated in some sort of sociology experiment! :D :D
I sincerely doubt anyone cares one bit about Tracy’s feelings about anything. What they do generally care about is their drug supply.

I think the distinction also needs to be pointed out between what is legitimate grievance vs what is some entitled idiot who I would not trust with a bottle of Pepto much less a vial of Tren.

I know in the world we all inhabit people’s brains can only process absolutes, but nuance and a critical eye is often what is needed

Nuance and a critical eye indeed, lol
Quest always takes 5-7 days for Free T and E2 ultrasensitive
Totally depends on where you're at, and where the lab doing the work is. I've been blown away, but my last three Testosterone, Total, LC/MS are in my Quest profile by 2 or 3am the next day. Even if I get a test done at 8am on a Friday, I still get the report at 2am Saturday.

I'm in the Southeast US, and for whatever reason, they send my E2 to Cali. That does take a week.
Nuance and a critical eye indeed, lol
I have only been in the mix a couple of years, but just in that time period QSC has been embroiled in controversy pretty much perpetually. On a couple occasions to such a significant degree that I was not sure if they were even going to survive,

Yet here we are. They have managed to not only survive but thrive. Their product offerings have (in general) improved and the variety is more robust. I’ll never understand it, and I guess I don’t have to for my purposes. I just want my gear on the cheap.
Are you eating enough? Are you training hard enough? Tracking calories in and out. Working fucking hard to failure?

Don’t lie to me or worse to yourself. If you’ve got shoulder pain are you looking into your infraspinatus?

TLDR: take care of you
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Totally depends on where you're at, and where the lab doing the work is. I've been blown away, but my last three Testosterone, Total, LC/MS are in my Quest profile by 2 or 3am the next day. Even if I get a test done at 8am on a Friday, I still get the report at 2am Saturday.

I'm in the Southeast US, and for whatever reason, they send my E2 to Cali. That does take a week.
I had to redo one thing on my bloodwork because of an anomaly and Quest had the results around 12 hours later. I had to wait almost 2 weeks on Lab Corp to do the initial.

Did you use Ulta for the requisition?
What has been your overall experience with them thus far? I am still with Marek right now, but exploring some other options.

There are lots of places that sell Quest and LabCorp labs, with PrivateMDLabs being just one of them. They have a panel "Hormone Panel with F&T Testosterone & SHBG" from Quest this is only $149, but I can't link to it or find it on their site any more, but I can repurchase it every few months, so I do. I order lipids through WalkinLabs as they have the cheapest price for "Cardio IQ® Advanced Lipid Panel Blood Test" which is an NMR test that includes ApoB and Lp(a). I also order ultrasensitive e2 and serum GH through discountedlabs because they have the cheapest price on those specific panels and most single tests. These are all through Quest and so I can manage the results through the Quest portal.