Yikes, you weren’t kidding about same shift in mindset, ha. This morning was the first dose of levothyroxine and yesterday was the first time using modafinil again in a non-military-abuse setting. Been on the 2.5mg tadalafil train for about a year now.
The ivermectin one is interesting, I actually have some on hand and will do some reading on it. One of the firms I work with gives 10K in an expiring healthcare account every year so I always end up burning dollars every year on ridiculous shit, have some doomsday medical supply packs and they all come with ivermectin.
I travel extensively, am an adventurous eater, and have a place in Bangkok, so Ivermectin makes sense from that perspective alone. However, that only calls for a single dose, 200ug/kg, per year, or about 20mg to mitigate the risk of internal parasites.
However, it's been established that many benign but unaesthetic skin conditions, even rosacea, are the result of Demodex parasites. Specialized human skin parasites that live in and around hair follicles all over the body, feeding on cells inside pores, and triggering. inflammation. They even play a part in speeding up male pattern baldness.
20% of 20 year olds have them. 100% of 90 year olds have them.
One or two doses was known to help eliminate the reddened skin of rosacea, but it would always quickly return.
TLDR per a recent NIH report, some guy took one dose a week for 8 weeks by accident, and it ended up providing a permanent cure.
It turns out that 8 doses manages to kill all the demodex, but also all the eggs, returning him to a completely demodex free condition (which were causing his rosacea) a rarity in adults,
As a result, a whole host of skin issues cleared up.
Bear in mind this is a drug essentially non-toxic to humans. The primary reason everyone isn't on it is that like antibiotics, there's a concern overuse could lead to parasites developing that are immune to it.
While it's not effective for Covid, there's a theory that by using it and inadvertently clearing undetected parasites, the immune system was unburdened and some patients were able to better fight off the virus and quickly recover, giving the impression it was effective against the virus.