Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I travel extensively, am an adventurous eater, and have a place in Bangkok, so Ivermectin makes sense from that perspective alone. However, that only calls for a single dose, 200ug/kg, per year, or about 20mg to mitigate the risk of internal parasites.

However, it's been established that many benign but unaesthetic skin conditions, even rosacea, are the result of Demodex parasites. Specialized human skin parasites that live in and around hair follicles all over the body, feeding on cells inside pores, and triggering. inflammation. They even play a part in speeding up male pattern baldness.

20% of 20 year olds have them. 100% of 90 year olds have them.

One or two doses was known to help eliminate the reddened skin of rosacea, but it would always quickly return.

TLDR per a recent NIH report, some guy took one dose a week for 8 weeks by accident, and it ended up providing a permanent cure.

It turns out that 8 doses manages to kill all the demodex, but also all the eggs, returning him to a completely demodex free condition (which were causing his rosacea) a rarity in adults,

As a result, a whole host of skin issues cleared up.

Bear in mind this is a drug essentially non-toxic to humans. The primary reason everyone isn't on it is that like antibiotics, there's a concern overuse could lead to parasites developing that are immune to it.

While it's not effective for Covid, there's a theory that by using it and inadvertently clearing undetected parasites, the immune system was unburdened and some patients were able to better fight off the virus and quickly recover, giving the impression it was effective against the virus.
Ok,I need to ask, is the annual course of ivermectin 0.2mg/kg once a week? For how many weeks? At this point I’ve read from multiple sources about brief annual use of ivermectin, and now I’m genuinely curious. Well, I’ve been curious but now very considering the full context of your post.
Ok,I need to ask, is the annual course of ivermectin 0.2mg/kg once a week? For how many weeks? At this point I’ve read from multiple sources about brief annual use of ivermectin, and now I’m genuinely curious. Well, I’ve been curious but now very considering the full context of your post.

The normal annual prophylactic dose for general anti-parasitic use is 150ug/kg as a single dose. So one 15mg dose for a 100kg adult. That's sufficient to kill almost all internal parasites that affect humans.

On another note. in areas where this is routine, it's been noted the rate of many other non-parasite related diseases goes down, and average lifespan increases by several years.

For clearing demodex skin parasites, it's 200ug/kg, once a week for 8 weeks. While I didn't have rosacea like this guy, I had a noticeable evening of skin tone all over.

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Nothing illegal there. I'd expect it to get through. They have 45 days to release or seize.
If they do seize it, would it be worth claiming it? The risk is it could have been labeled improperly which could make it a violation of the FDA rules, right?
If they do seize it, would it be worth claiming it? The risk is it could have been labeled improperly which could make it a violation of the FDA rules, right?

Only if intended for human use. Since they're unlabeled, they're just normal, uncontrolled chemicals. Perfectly legal. There has to be some indication they're intended for human use to become pharmaceuticals.

Urea can be used for fertilizer, or homemade bath products you sell at a craft fair, but put it in a skin cream at over 40% concentration and now it's an unapproved pharmaceutical drug subject to seizure and prosecution.

They're free to hang on to it and test it though. Could be fentanyl for all they know, or HGH, which is controlled.
This guy was vicious. and got very personal.
Fuck him..
leading to a deathbed full of regret,

That being the case, will you go feeling satisfied about the life you've had?
I dont want to derail the thread so much but I certainly had to repond to you 2 guy.. Respectfully our ideas and pricipals of what makes a person happy are not the same...I have more regrets than most on here i can almost promise that.. The peace I have within myself about my past ,present and future is second to none.. I love the man I am today and totally at peace if death come for me today. I do not Covent or envy what another man has.... if i wanted something different I'd set my goal tward it and go after it with all I got... I have never failed at anything I really put my mind to . In any case I hope all you fuckers have an amazing day!!
I honestly wouldn’t hate if they just sold 500ml and 1000ml media jugs and said it’s on you to filter and vial. At least there would be the expectation set.

There it is @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals. Don't package your oils in injection vials again until you have corrected your serious particulates ("floaters") issue.

It is simply fraud to put your oils in those vials and sends the exact wrong message to users of your products. Your glib attitude towards this issue is unacceptable. You know how to correct this issue. Do so.
Anyone else got TestC stuck in LA customs (for inspection) on/around 12/21?

Got some semaglutide on 12/19 that hasnt made it out. No AAS though.

Currently giving them benefit of the doubt because it was projected that 71% of Americans did all of their Christmas shopping online. Plus the government holidays off. They've probably got a warehouse loaded to the ceiling with boxes and like 50% of normal staff to handle it.... Or maybe the GLP soccer moms and newbies fucked up the game and we'll go back to caveman times for buying gear. Who knows.

QSC will reship if a certain amount of time passes with no updates. Only problem is you don't really know what that timeframe is lol.

I'm just saying it now- I call bottom bunk when I see you all in TDC
QSC will reship if a certain amount of time passes with no updates. Only problem is you don't really know what that timeframe is lol.
Yes thay time frame is 30 days.. i have 10 days on one and 14 days on another In counting down.. maybe by the time I get the reship for the on pack that has a shit load of test d they will have a new better batch!!!!! A guy could dream!!
Got some semaglutide on 12/19 that hasnt made it out. No AAS though.

Currently giving them benefit of the doubt because it was projected that 71% of Americans did all of their Christmas shopping online. Plus the government holidays off. They've probably got a warehouse loaded to the ceiling with boxes and like 50% of normal staff to handle it.... Or maybe the GLP soccer moms and newbies fucked up the game and we'll go back to caveman times for buying gear. Who knows.

QSC will reship if a certain amount of time passes with no updates. Only problem is you don't really know what that timeframe is lol.

I'm just saying it now- I call bottom bunk when I see you all in TDC
Id rather go to TDC than ADC