Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It comes for us all. Guaranteed.
Definitely interesting theories out there but the move could be concerning.
They did say acct issues and appear to be reseting sales model.
Could be either or.
Can't see exit myself.
You gotta have protection in China to move the kind of product they did.
Honestly..if you guys got/get burned. A flight to China is like 400 bucks and getting info on an address for Bitcoin and where they have the active account at. If you're smart enough...

Then you can get your get back
Honestly..if you guys got/get burned. A flight to China is like 400 bucks and getting info on an address for Bitcoin and where they have the active account at. If you're smart enough...

Then you can get your get back
Bruh you’d end up stuffed in a storm drain somewhere