Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

The whole things QSC is going through has nothing to do with aas and or peptides.

Can you elaborate

I mean beating around the bush around it is kind of stupid, it’s not like saying your speculation is going to endanger their business.

oh wow you’re so cool you have information, such wow, you sound like one of those people that gatekeeps info just to keep themselves relevant, it’s speculation until proven otherwise

If it’s a legitimate warning why obfuscate the information, again gatekeeping info to stay relevant, same old story

It's just different divisions, same as SRY and one of their division getting indicted for some dark shit for example

Enjoy the reading.

What did you send me?

This isn’t the da Vinci code, stop being cryptic, why you making puzzles


I already knew about that, I thought people were referring to something else

It’s come up a few times before, sry had some link iirc
@readalot Thanks for putting this together, this highlights that by using our words instead of saying shit like read between the lines we could have avoided this entire discussion.
@readalot Thanks for putting this together, this highlights that by using our words instead of saying shit like read between the lines we could have avoided this entire discussion.

Leave Me Alone I Give Up GIF by THE NEXT STEP
I have the world's worst timing so I paid a small US domestic order Wednesday early AM China time. I guess when/if it ships they're back.
Hey y'all just got my packs from QSC that were stuck since 12/19
Everything is good. They were opened with customs and then taped of course. Question for the orals since QSC isn't responding to emails, what's this oral? It's supposed to be anadrol but the code for drol is 067F
Anyone happen to know?
My adrol came with the 067F on the package but it was domestic, not sure if that makes a difference
For fictional entertainment purposes only, let me give you guys the down low on what happened.

Word is, Marcus invited Tracy for drinks in the guise of trying to negotiate some raws for GA. When Tracy arrived at the meeting location, being the OG that he is, felt the hairs on the back of his neck start to stand. Tracy aware of Marcus’ arrogance and greed realized it was a set-up and bailed from the meeting.

With industry knowledge and experience Tracy executed her emergency avoid and elude protocol for QSC. With the upcoming New Years Holiday, Tracy knew it would serve as the perfect alibi to lay low.

In typical Marcus fashion, he is not admitting to fucking up once again. As far as anyone can tell, Marcus is on the Lam from everyone to include the authorities, the OG and his customers.

One other note, as old as I am, I can’t tell if I made this shit up or I made this shit up!

To you all, have a great weekend!!!