Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

bro I got prescribed ambien once and I woke up in a place I didn’t go to sleep in my house and half of the pills were gone. I have no idea what happened to them but never again
I usually act out my dreams. I’ve busted my head open twice getting out of bed doing dumb stuff. Didn’t remember a single thing. Which could have been the drug or the head trauma
I have currently been trying to stick some of this nad+ shit in my body like a crackhead head for about 2 months.. It won't be to fucking long now as I have several kits snowed in at my local post office???? I have no idea how a mother fucker lives where it shows alot.. it snowed 13 inches where I live and I haven't left the house in I think 4 days. Ate so much fucking trash and watched so much regrettable shit on tv...the only cool thing I did was manufacturer a few steroids.. one being a 200/200 test c/e blend. Pipless. I also found out real quick what everyone on the pct thread mean by dont take ambien.. its been a fucking disaster!!!!!
Ambien isn't good at all
bro I got prescribed ambien once and I woke up in a place I didn’t go to sleep in my house and half of the pills were gone. I have no idea what happened to them but never again
Ambien is the most addictive sleep aid, i have a similar story to yours lol..mine included embarrassing texts messages I had no idea I sent , till the next morning, I must of stared at my phone that day for 2 hours shaking my head , thank god none of those messages made it to co workers, family members .. lmao
I remember my 1st time ever using it, after 2 weeks of continuous use , only 10mg, you can’t sleep w/o it . Your body will not let u sleep, I found that out way to late , never again will I use it, does it work? 100% the time, best sleep you will ever get .. neger again..
The picture you posted are Glock automatic firing switches. They are used to turn semi automatic Glock handguns into automatics.

Pretty sure it’s a federal offense to be in possession of these items and will Lead to Federal Pound Me in the Ass Prison. Especially with that quantity on hand being distribution charge worthy
I think you sarcasm meter needs adjustment...

But hey they can come play and raid me over a stock photo or check my side jobs books.

I play Mad Machinist at my side gig and we pay the Special Occupational Tax so my dog doesn't get shot LoL.MESO meme.webp
You may still be retaining water. Weight tends to go up initially with DNP. Also the first several days you are just been going through your glycogen stores.
Take 500 mg for 3 days. If you aren't experiencing negative side effects by then I would find a new source.
That’s the thing I’ve been on low carb diet for the past three weeks,I’m doing it to improve insulin sensitivity. That’s one of the main reasons I’m taking DNP for insulin sensitivity and a little bit of fat loss before I go on a bulk. My workouts have been shitty I don’t know if it’s low carb diet or dnp. Can’t get a pump to save my life
That’s the thing I’ve been on low carb diet for the past three weeks,I’m doing it to improve insulin sensitivity. That’s one of the main reasons I’m taking DNP for insulin sensitivity and a little bit of fat loss before I go on a bulk. My workouts have been shitty I don’t know if it’s low carb diet or dnp. Can’t get a pump to save my life
You cannot get a pump on DNP. Workouts turn to shit. Get the rapid fat loss and get off DNP so you can get back to good workouts.
That's not really helpful. People use this thread like it's Facebook with all the casual conversation. Over 20 pages to catch up on since I logged off yesterday afternoon. There should really be a dedicated "updates" sticky or forum. This is the only source with anywhere near 3500 pages in the thread.
Why are you logging in and out? The source said he''ll be back in a few. Why not log out till a few then?
Try making test e 400 without pip and then try making test c 400 with crashing.. yes it is unique. Don't be a fucking simpleton and try and bust my balls .. I just woke up.. just support me and say.. oh hey that's cool dirt. And move on. Fuck
Oh hey that's cool dirt. Lol. That's exactly what I was thinking. A 400 mg test without crippling pip and to help stop the test c from crashing. I haven't seen a 200mg Test c that doesn't crash during very cold winter shipping.
That's not really helpful. People use this thread like it's Facebook with all the casual conversation. Over 20 pages to catch up on since I logged off yesterday afternoon. There should really be a dedicated "updates" sticky or forum. This is the only source with anywhere near 3500 pages in the thread.

We’re trying to get to 4000 pages. There’s no updates. Check back next month.

There should be a lot less useless blather on this forum.

Yes but the point of this thread is that this info be posted here

Yes, I know some want pricelists to be reposted on every page.

Take your complaints to the management, otherwise you're simply adding to the useless blather that began 71,750 posts back:
Ty keep on helping us to reach our 4000 page special. I have been told if we reach 4000 TRACY will return!
Oh hey that's cool dirt. Lol. That's exactly what I was thinking. A 400 mg test without crippling pip and to help stop the test c from crashing. I haven't seen a 200mg Test c that doesn't crash during very cold winter shipping.
Thats the spirit!! I wanna make it at 250/250 for a 500mg/ml blast blend. I have currently been using 500mg/ml Test D and will continue using it for trt but wanted the shorter half life's for my next blast...I use a lot of TNE but not sure I would ever mess with p,iso, or pp. But I cant say for certain...