Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

correct but only crashed e2 because i was unknowingly using test U not test E. on 425mg/week test E levels were 2350. titrated up to 500 then 600 then 750/week and switched to the test U i thought was test E when i went to 750/week. also titrated from bold cyp to EQ slowly. test levels are now 2250 on 750/week of the test U which is actually 672mg test u a week bc its dosed lower. was just sharing my experience…
If you were pinning test U with test e frequency (every 3.5 days), your test blood levels will be higher with the test U after 2-3months
Were packs promised domestic forwarding sent direct without notice? I don’t care what time of year it is— this would be a huge problem and breach of trust
Were packs promised domestic forwarding sent direct without notice? I don’t care what time of year it is— this would be a huge problem and breach of trust

Can you clarify what you're referring to?

International (assuming to the US) have always been sent directly and higher priced domestic was the only other option.

"Direct" from China means using a logistics company handing off to USPS (or some other local delivery service), but that's not really "forwarding", as the ultimate recipients address was always (supposed) to be in the customs paperwork.

Maybe they were using fake addresses before and can't do that any more, idk. Considering I've only recently seen examples of QSC customers getting love letter, maybe that's the case.
It’s not logical because it’s not true. Go jerk each other off elsewhere

Whats up guys! I'm Joe. I've been back on gear for 6mths after a unwanted 3 year break do to child custody. Prior to this break I ran nothing but Strango for years but unfortunately Strango is no longer an option. Since returning I've been disappointed with the quality of the gear I've found so here I am reading the fucking forum.

What's wrong Joe? I see you had to stay off gear for years trying to get custody. We all know steroids aren't in regular drug panels, so the only way that would've been in play is if the mother was on the receiving end of your uncontrolled anger and told the courts she was in fear of you doing the same to the kid. Most judges won't order steroid tests without an arrest documenting violence. Am I getting warm?

So what's wrong man, kids not talking to you again? Bad visit from child protective services?

Afraid a love letter will make its way to the court and torpedo custody? Maybe you're on probation for beating the shit out of some chick. That's it, isn't it....