Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

At least you guys tracking is showing something. Mine still saying not found.

Where’s my shit Tracy!
Ill be honest i have 3 tracking # from 3 different shipping company's that are either stuck in customs, the plane is making bunch of stops , and one just no movement at all. 2 orders i never received tracking, and received 3 packages this week all with green tape but complete ( all qsc) who knows how it will play out.. time will tell. Most definitely not in panic mode. I do find it a little curious that customs slashed through the 3 packs I did get this week packed em back up and sent them. They were ether forced to go through the motions and didn't give a shit, or looking for something very specific. I have other international orders due soon rom orher vendors. curious if they have green tape as well..