Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You're missing the point. It's not about value for product, it's about being able to properly dose. I just want what's reflected on the label to be true, so I can dose properly.
Not trying to be a dick but… buy from a source that charges more then.

I get it, I’m with you honestly. It’s a bit odd to kind of blindly assume some dosages but i can’t tell by feels if it’s 270 or 240. I can feel the difference in 7 dollars a vial and 35 a vial lol.
Not trying to be a dick but… buy from a source that charges more then.

I get it, I’m with you honestly. It’s a bit odd to kind of blindly assume some dosages but i can’t tell by feels if it’s 270 or 240. I can feel the difference in 7 dollars a vial and 35 a vial lol.
Hey all.

I got all my shit except TB-500 (ordered recently) from QSC so far. Purchase:

BPC-157 to heal my ass
TB-500 to heal my ass
1 kit of Test C 250mg to get aggressive with
1 kit of NPP 100mg (I wish this was 150mg. This will cause me problems)
1 kit of Melanotan 1 so I can increase my diversity hire chances.

My ratings for QSC:

Shipping: 0/10 for international (they said 3-4 weeks, but it arrived in 2; fuckers!), 9/10 for domestic.
Ease of buying: 10/10, unparalleled
Customer service: 10/10
Communication: 10/10
Hooker Services: 0/10. I was hoping for some late night karaoke blowjobs, but they didn't even invite me to the company party. Motherfuckers.

Wrapping: -79/10. They said some stuff would come with some ID or label on the box. Their reasoning why they didn’t label my stuff was logical. However, these are steroids… most people doing roids can’t put 2+2 together. QSC assumed my IQ and gender and I’m offended.

One of my vials arrived with sticky shit hardened on top of it. I think @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals spooged on it. I hope I didn't get charged extra for that. See bottom left of the picture.

I bought a label machine and labeled my own shit. I may upload pics for others to print out later on… I gotta fucking have labels.

Already injected some of this shit. Will report back with blood work in 5 weeks. If I don’t return in 5 weeks, I’ve died from tainted gear and I want you all to avenge me and name your first kid after me.

Bottom 3 rows are all QSC. The rest is Para Pharma, which I am trying to phase out. The boxes of BPC-157 and MT-1 are from QSC.


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Not trying to be a dick but… buy from a source that charges more then.

I get it, I’m with you honestly. It’s a bit odd to kind of blindly assume some dosages but i can’t tell by feels if it’s 270 or 240. I can feel the difference in 7 dollars a vial and 35 a vial lol.
So it's only a problem when YOU feel the threshold is too great? At what point is that? What about having an idea to properly assume/combat side effects? I know x amount of AI puts me at y range, then I get 20-25% overdosed or underdosed QSC gear, now I'm developing issues that I shouldn't have. I'm not saying QSC wouldn't change labels if this was the case, just if we allow it to not be a big deal, then the standards will drop. Because who cares??? To be clear, I've ordered from QSC too...
So it's only a problem when YOU feel the threshold is too great? At what point is that? What about having an idea to properly assume/combat side effects? I know x amount of AI puts me at y range, then I get 20-25% overdosed or underdosed QSC gear, now I'm developing issues that I shouldn't have. I'm not saying QSC wouldn't change labels if this was the case, just if we allow it to not be a big deal, then the standards will drop. Because who cares??? To be clear, I've ordered from QSC too...
I’m not saying I’m thrilled with it. What I’m saying is, there are plenty of sources around here. If YOU aren’t satisfied with the QC then move on to another. Lots of people will pay top dollar for Pharma bc they have the most trust in it. This is the cheapest… by FAR. You can’t truthfully expect the quality control of the pricier stuff. Also, in my opinion, you should never dose your AI strictly off what has worked for you in the past. You should be getting regular blood work throughout the cycle. Also… send it it for purity testing if you’re that worried about it. As long as the the shit is clean and has been proven to be in decent range via third part testing, I’m ok with taking the small risk (imo) of a bit of variable dosing. In the end, This shit is black market drug dealing. You’re always at risk. There are plenty of avenues to mitigate risk or avoid certain sources all together. This seems to be a big outfit in the interest of making lots of money. That means returning clients. You can make a decent assumption that they will be close and or make adjustments along the way
Hey all.

I got all my shit except TB-500 (ordered recently) from QSC so far. Purchase:

BPC-157 to heal my ass
TB-500 to heal my ass
1 kit of Test C 250mg to get aggressive with
1 kit of NPP 100mg (I wish this was 150mg. This will cause me problems)
1 kit of Melanotan 1 so I can increase my diversity hire chances.

My ratings for QSC:

Shipping: 0/10 for international (they said 3-4 weeks, but it arrived in 2; fuckers!), 9/10 for domestic.
Ease of buying: 10/10, unparalleled
Customer service: 10/10
Communication: 10/10
Hooker Services: 0/10. I was hoping for some late night karaoke blowjobs, but they didn't even invite me to the company party. Motherfuckers.

Wrapping: -79/10. They said some stuff would come with some ID or label on the box. Their reasoning why they didn’t label my stuff was logical. However, these are steroids… most people doing roids can’t put 2+2 together. QSC assumed my IQ and gender and I’m offended.
My job is helping customers to put 2+2 together when they can't ^^
Hey all.

I got all my shit except TB-500 (ordered recently) from QSC so far. Purchase:

BPC-157 to heal my ass
TB-500 to heal my ass
1 kit of Test C 250mg to get aggressive with
1 kit of NPP 100mg (I wish this was 150mg. This will cause me problems)
1 kit of Melanotan 1 so I can increase my diversity hire chances.

My ratings for QSC:

Shipping: 0/10 for international (they said 3-4 weeks, but it arrived in 2; fuckers!), 9/10 for domestic.
Ease of buying: 10/10, unparalleled
Customer service: 10/10
Communication: 10/10
Hooker Services: 0/10. I was hoping for some late night karaoke blowjobs, but they didn't even invite me to the company party. Motherfuckers.

Wrapping: -79/10. They said some stuff would come with some ID or label on the box. Their reasoning why they didn’t label my stuff was logical. However, these are steroids… most people doing roids can’t put 2+2 together. QSC assumed my IQ and gender and I’m offended.

One of my vials arrived with sticky shit hardened on top of it. I think @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals spooged on it. I hope I didn't get charged extra for that. See bottom left of the picture.

I bought a label machine and labeled my own shit. I may upload pics for others to print out later on… I gotta fucking have labels.

Already injected some of this shit. Will report back with blood work in 5 weeks. If I don’t return in 5 weeks, I’ve died from tainted gear and I want you all to avenge me and name your first kid after me.

Bottom 3 rows are all QSC. The rest is Para Pharma, which I am trying to phase out. The boxes of BPC-157 and MT-1 are from QSC.
I think I’ll also be buying a label maker. How involved did you get and how much did you pay for one?
This shit is black market drug dealing. You’re always at risk.
And if customers turn the other cheek, it will get riskier... I'm not complaining about them. I'm just advocating holding ALL sources to a standard....Price/value be damned...Otherwise it gets riskier for everyone.
I think I’ll also be buying a label maker. How involved did you get and how much did you pay for one?
They're cheap on Amazon, like $29 for labels for peptides, $79 for labels for 10ml vials. Then I open photoshop and create somewhat ghetto labels, kinda like this:


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Hey all.

I got all my shit except TB-500 (ordered recently) from QSC so far. Purchase:

BPC-157 to heal my ass
TB-500 to heal my ass
1 kit of Test C 250mg to get aggressive with
1 kit of NPP 100mg (I wish this was 150mg. This will cause me problems)
1 kit of Melanotan 1 so I can increase my diversity hire chances.

My ratings for QSC:

Shipping: 0/10 for international (they said 3-4 weeks, but it arrived in 2; fuckers!), 9/10 for domestic.
Ease of buying: 10/10, unparalleled
Customer service: 10/10
Communication: 10/10
Hooker Services: 0/10. I was hoping for some late night karaoke blowjobs, but they didn't even invite me to the company party. Motherfuckers.

Wrapping: -79/10. They said some stuff would come with some ID or label on the box. Their reasoning why they didn’t label my stuff was logical. However, these are steroids… most people doing roids can’t put 2+2 together. QSC assumed my IQ and gender and I’m offended.

One of my vials arrived with sticky shit hardened on top of it. I think @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals spooged on it. I hope I didn't get charged extra for that. See bottom left of the picture.

I bought a label machine and labeled my own shit. I may upload pics for others to print out later on… I gotta fucking have labels.

Already injected some of this shit. Will report back with blood work in 5 weeks. If I don’t return in 5 weeks, I’ve died from tainted gear and I want you all to avenge me and name your first kid after me.

Bottom 3 rows are all QSC. The rest is Para Pharma, which I am trying to phase out. The boxes of BPC-157 and MT-1 are from QSC.
Now,the question,where did you get this suitcase for vials? I want one
And if customers turn the other cheek, it will get riskier... I'm not complaining about them. I'm just advocating holding ALL sources to a standard....Price/value be damned...Otherwise it gets riskier for everyone.
I absolutely get that. That’s why I’m grateful for this forum. WE all need to do our part and get testing done occasionally. Especially for sources that seem too good to be true. It’s so cheap, I will be sending regular testing in for this source. It just sucks for the US guys bc jano takes several weeks to send in (affordable mailing at least
So it's only a problem when YOU feel the threshold is too great? At what point is that? What about having an idea to properly assume/combat side effects? I know x amount of AI puts me at y range, then I get 20-25% overdosed or underdosed QSC gear, now I'm developing issues that I shouldn't have. I'm not saying QSC wouldn't change labels if this was the case, just if we allow it to not be a big deal, then the standards will drop. Because who cares??? To be clear, I've ordered from QSC too...
We’ve covered the shit out of this, but 1) the variance was less than 10% (20/250 = 8%) and 2) even generic pharma a is allowed a variance of 10% (or more for compounded meds, can’t be arsed to look it up again).
Just curious for anyone who has bought primo raws, Does it have the crystal like flakes / fish scale look to it?
Does it have that primo “smell”?

I seen the lab tests just curious on how the powders look?

Same thing if anyone has bought aromasin is it granular like sugar or is it a powder like flour?

Appreciate the response