Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Holay fok buddy, natives love their gabies! You could go to the reserves and make a killing! While you’re there make sure to overdose that goof kid diddler pope francis. Us Canadian taxpayers are having to pay 35 million dollars for his child molestation and genocide apology trip! The Catholic Church can suck a dick! If they were to pay reparations for all the people they savaged they would be melting that faggot popes crown down in a month!
Sir, this a Wendy's.
Just received my first order for 15 different items and I can't identify 8 items. 3 of my kits have a 1, 2, and 3 on the bottom, all blue tops. One kit is blank with red tops. 4 of my powders have letters on them that don't seem to correspond to anything I ordered, like PRZ, FD, PL, one bag looks like 60 or OD?? The size of the bag narrows it down but not entirely. The kits are a mystery to me. I Would really appreciate any help figuring these out.

These are the 8 items I ordered that I can't identify...

1 kit PT141 10mg
1 kit Semax 30mg
1 kit Selank 10mg
1 kit HCG 2500
Pramiracetam 10g (PL?)
Pregabalin 100g (PRZ?)
Gabepentin 100g (60 or OD?)
Vardenafil Raw 10g (FD?)
View attachment 169985
1 kit pt141 :1
1 kit semax : 2
1 kit selank :3
1 kit hcg :

The Test Cyp test you provided is slightly underdosed. Acceptable IMO given the price but I am not wrong.

That test on the cyp is from Jan 22 and up until a few months ago QSC was selling Cyp as 230mg/mL, so wasn’t underdosed. The latest price list is 250mg/mL so I’d assume the recipe has been adjusted for the latest batches.
not a big deal at all.. we are even discussing 20mg... and it cost maybe $10 a vial lol.. and less intel... i could less if it were 200mg.... the fact that there are legit tests speaks volumes. move on .
Holay fok buddy, natives love their gabies! You could go to the reserves and make a killing! While you’re there make sure to overdose that goof kid diddler pope francis. Us Canadian taxpayers are having to pay 35 million dollars for his child molestation and genocide apology trip! The Catholic Church can suck a dick! If they were to pay reparations for all the people they savaged they would be melting that faggot popes crown down in a month!
Excuse me sir, did you have a stroke?
Had a friend say is vials usa dom cyp ones are only 8ml each. Hes pulled out 2 bottles so far and both had 8ml not 10ml. Anyone else seeing this? I cant say for myself as Im not running it. Maybe hes wack or maybe not. Just asking here
I just got those on a whim. I'm trying shit for the first time and have no idea how I'm going to respond to any of them and heard good things about both.
Be careful and use sparingly. I got into the Phenibut thing and it is something you do not want to take more than twice a week.
Had a friend say is vials usa dom cyp ones are only 8ml each. Hes pulled out 2 bottles so far and both had 8ml not 10ml. Anyone else seeing this? I cant say for myself as Im not running it. Maybe hes wack or maybe not. Just asking here
If he's not accounting for deadspace in the syringe he could be losing up to 0.1mL each withdrawl.
He could also just be an idiot.
Had a friend say is vials usa dom cyp ones are only 8ml each. Hes pulled out 2 bottles so far and both had 8ml not 10ml. Anyone else seeing this? I cant say for myself as Im not running it. Maybe hes wack or maybe not. Just asking here
Hope that ain’t the case