Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Boys,I got problem while benching,looks like my tendons are fucked,the one between shoulder and chest,not sure the name..
Just pressure of just 100kg makes it hurt. Did anyone try to use bpc157 for it? I used bpc before for muscle injuries but never for tendons.
Boys,I got problem while benching,looks like my tendons are fucked,the one between shoulder and chest,not sure the name..
Just pressure of just 100kg makes it hurt. Did anyone try to use bpc157 for it? I used bpc before for muscle injuries but never for tendons.
BPC is for suitable for tendons and ligaments and TBC is for soft tissue
So taking BPC this time would be more beneficial
Boys,I got problem while benching,looks like my tendons are fucked,the one between shoulder and chest,not sure the name..
Just pressure of just 100kg makes it hurt. Did anyone try to use bpc157 for it? I used bpc before for muscle injuries but never for tendons.
Go lighter pain is telling to you take it easy. Go light do pause reps, or so eccentric, or drop sets, until the pain subsides and heals: you could use tge BPC to help heal it faster. I had this probkem with elbows and was able to fix it. By going lighter and slower.
Boys,I got problem while benching,looks like my tendons are fucked,the one between shoulder and chest,not sure the name..
Just pressure of just 100kg makes it hurt. Did anyone try to use bpc157 for it? I used bpc before for muscle injuries but never for tendons.
Maybe it's because of those yk11 high dosages.
Myostatin inhibitors are famous for weaken the tendons.
You need to use BPC157.
good advice was just given to you by a few people.. use it , scale back and heal up before it becomes a repeat offender for you.... REST
Bpc 157 didn't do shit for my shoulders.
I pinned an entire vial. Dbol eliminated my shoulder pain completely.
For me its very difficult to determine where pain comes from,the exact point. Its the place between minor pec and shoulder,that place where u can press ur finger in and its softer than chest or shoulder(if u get me). I cant use dbol...need few more weeks to recover from androgen..my receptors are not sensitive now at all. However I did feel less pain on wet compunds,i didnt feel pain at all while I was on m1t,thats why i loved it i guess
not a big deal at all.. we are even discussing 20mg... and it cost maybe $10 a vial lol.. and less intel... i could less if it were 200mg.... the fact that there are legit tests speaks volumes. move on .
You're missing the point. It's not about value for product, it's about being able to properly dose. I just want what's reflected on the label to be true, so I can dose properly.
Bpc 157 didn't do shit for my shoulders.
I pinned an entire vial. Dbol eliminated my shoulder pain completely.
You did it wrong if I understood right
A vial it will last you about a week at roughly 500-750mcg/day. BPC is taken for longer periods of time
You should continue to take for at least one month to see if it will do anything or not