Qingdao Sigma HPLC testing

All pharmaceutical bacteriostatic water in the USA is required to be 0.9% benzyl alcohol (9mg/mL) and acceptable pH level ranging between 4.5 to 7.0, but target pH is 5.7. source: https://ndclist.com/ndc/0409-1093/label/

Your BAC water is out of range for BA (advertised as 0.8%) and pH. Can you get with the factory to rework your BAC water formula by increasing BA a bit and significantly reduce the pH?
8,5mg/ml is 0.85% why do we need to increase the BA?
Bac water between 0.8% or 0.9% is same thing.
Acidic pH bac water can destroy many peptides.
8,5mg/ml is 0.85% why do we need to increase the BA?
Bac water between 0.8% or 0.9% is same thing.
Acidic pH bac water can destroy many peptides.
Yes, the BA in this batch is very close but it's advertised and produced with a target of 0.8% BA. I'm suggesting it would be safest to produce with a target of 0.9% BA which is the BAC Water requirements of the USA, Europe and Australia to maintain sterile water.

The more important question....is the water distilled to remove pyrogens and STERLIZED before mixing it with BA? What exactly is that process?
Yes, the BA in this batch is very close but it's advertised and produced with a target of 0.8% BA. I'm suggesting it would be safest to produce with a target of 0.9% BA which is the BAC Water requirements of the USA, Europe and Australia to maintain sterile water.

The more important question....is the water distilled to remove pyrogens and STERLIZED before mixing it with BA? What exactly is that process?
the water is sterile distilled water, for all water based products, including bacteriostatic water.
I guess approx 30 days, so suited mostly for the peeps that are at the 10+ mgs/wk dosages
These peptides last much longer than you think reconstituted. The degradation over 2, 3, 4, months is negligible at most. The peptide is still working and will still be doing it's job. ... And yes bacteriostatic water lasts longer than a Gdamn month in the fridge.
Do you have any recent test cyp results? The price on those is amazing
Some guy posted the blind Jano results on another q thread.
Test cyp 265 mg...... Good to go.
I just received an order for this HGH a few days ago, I've been trying it for a week and the quality is noticeable. And now seeing the Janosh test confirms it, the same batch. Very satisfied. When you buy at this price you expect everything except for it to be real. In a few days I will definitely place a large order.1000106746.jpg