Qingdao Sigma lab test results( 4 different lab tests)

Already done in the thread sir, it's a mystery for us too, we don't know if it's from degradation of accutane or from some other reason from the raw, so we will try to undertand from what. But for sure no excuse for that result, it's far from our standards.

Would it be possible for you to begin selling accutane in capsule form?
Would it be possible for you to begin selling accutane in capsule form?
We can cancel the production of isotretinoin tablets in the future, because this product needs special transportation and storage, the tabs must be stored in an inert gas, otherwise the quality cannot be guaranteed. We have zero responsability about this result and we will prove that by HPLC lab test of accutane raw. We already have in the forum 2 blind lab tests of Winstrol and anavar 10mg, and the results are completely fine, accutane was supposed ti be 10mg too, the process is the same, engineer did no mistake on this batch. The product is sensitive and nothing can be done about this, if we keep selling this kind of finished tabs, customer should be aware of consequences on quality.

@janoshik can you tell us more about raws and tabs quality if you have tested some in the past, thank you, we will be curious about results of tabs if you have some examples.
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