Qingdao Sigma test results.

What’s your objective with all of this rambling about raws and quality?
Promotes sources and homebrews alike to pay close attention to quality of raws. Raws quality has been stagnant for now. But I’m a few months it will go back downhill. I believe China is hosting the Olympics soon. In order to stop PED use; they will be super strict. Don’t even get me started on Pandas BS “98%+ raws” really? That’s why people that had it tested came back at 95 and 96. False advertising. Their Anavar and Nandrolone came back at a pathetic 93%. I’ve tried to go back and find that where I originally saw it posted and funny enough, it’s been deleted….or so it seems
Promotes sources and homebrews alike to pay close attention to quality of raws. Raws quality has been stagnant for now. But I’m a few months it will go back downhill. I believe China is hosting the Olympics soon. In order to stop PED use; they will be super strict. Don’t even get me started on Pandas BS “98%+ raws” really? That’s why people that had it tested came back at 95 and 96. False advertising. Their Anavar and Nandrolone came back at a pathetic 93%. I’ve tried to go back and find that where I originally saw it posted and funny enough, it’s been deleted….or so it seems
Do you think no one pays attention to raws quality/purity? Even if you weren’t on this forum, testing would still be done and people would still care.
Do you think no one pays attention to raws quality/purity? Even if you weren’t on this forum, testing would still be done and people would still care.
I think some sources care. Jet cares. Triple B did at one point, not anymore. I want to sit here and say Colonial labs cares but I think some of his tests are biased. Some labs don’t give a Jack shit
I think some sources care. Jet cares. Triple B did at one point, not anymore. I want to sit here and say Colonial labs cares but I think some of his tests are biased. Some labs don’t give a Jack shit
If you know jet cares, why are you bringing your preaching in here?
If you know jet cares, why are you bringing your preaching in here?
I’m not preaching. I just wish sources in the United States took this approach. In this shit hole everyone orders from panda, stays on “batch 104” and claims to know what they’re doing. We already have to live under democrats *which is already bad enough *. We aren’t asking for much
I’m not preaching. I just wish sources in the United States took this approach. In this shit hole everyone orders from panda, stays on “batch 104” and claims to know what they’re doing. We already have to live under democrats *which is already bad enough *. We aren’t asking for much
:confused: Ok
Good timing, thanks. Was just considering placing a big order including primo and trest raws from them; seems like once you look past the clowns in their thread and the issues with their finished stuff, their prices and selection are good
Thank you @Jet Labs for those lab tests.

I am surprised of anadrol result, it should be fixed, we were trying to understand why it got tested much higher than that in our hplc, so we would love to understand more from @janoshik to keep improving our raws, since we try to sell only +99%
If the purity is not 99% enough, then the melting point can not be reached 172 degrees for anadrol. If the purity is 90%, then the melting point must be lower than 172 degrees.
@janoshik Can you please provide us more data? thank you in advance.
The amount of sample measured less than the weighted amount in comparison with a standard. You probably did HPLC and normalized the graph, which would yield different result in this case.

I do not do melting point tests.
