QSC Tesofensine review


New Member
As promised an update/review on the QSC tesofensine:

I bought a bunch from QSC before the testing controversy started. Decided to start at about 10mg a day based on rat studies which found ED50 in rats of about 2mg/kg. LD50 values are in the hundreds of grams/kg, so spare me the suicidal discussion. Also many reviewers in the past haven’t felt anything even at the normally high 2-5mg range, so I wanted to have no doubt whether it was working or not. Ramped my dose up to 25mg a day and I’m feeling some appetite reduction, not nearly quite like what the studies have indicated however. And nowhere near quite as pronounced as when I started semaglutide last fall. (Been off sema for 6 weeks now). The antidepressant effects of the tesofensine seem even more pronounced, as expected from a dopamine retake inhibitor. Heart rate and BP are essentially unchanged. I do feel jittery however— I feel like a wired teenager all day long. It was hard to focus on my job at times. Workouts have been great though, good energy. Seems like it fires you up much like the old DMAA did. I’m glad I bought it, but I’m not sure I’d buy it again. For a hundred dollars I have a 10 year supply. Another thought of mine, is it just doesn’t feel like this product has a half life anywhere near the supposed 220 hours. In rats it was measured at 2-3 hours.

Now what about the negative Jano tests? Well it turns out and as alluded by a previous poster there are several tesofensine analogs out there one of which is possibly what the Qsc stuff actually is. The testofensine-D5 analog is one of the more researched analogues, but has very limited research. It is also possible the the product is brasofensine or even NS-2359, both similar compounds in the phenyltropane family. Phenyltropanes are sometimes not particularly stable, although again research again is limited. The best known phenyltropane is cocaine. Interestingly tesofensine is more potent at dopamine reuptake inhibition than cocaine. The actual high from Cocaine is the result of some other mechanism, and the exact pharmacological mechanism remains uncertain. The tesofensine has not made me feel high but has given me a very happy yet wired disposition.

My question to Mr. Jano is, can you detect these other analogs/compounds with either gas or liquid chromatography? A lot of the evidence so far seems to imply it’s a related compound, but who knows. I had a definite response from it. If it’s not tesofensine I don’t blame QSC, they’re just getting it from a supplier, they can’t test every last thing. After all this is not US Pharma. people. And possibly it’s quite hard to test for the product itself. Overall I have had great luck with many QSC products.

I welcome thoughts and comments. Let’s keep the personal attacks out though. Thanks.
I wonder why this is a separate thread on the super popular meso marketplace instead of a reply to the very Tesofensine thread in labtesting that you're referencing.
Wyn86 said:
You don’t know for sure. Because after all we could be living in a universe that’s just a computer simulation. You just don’t know for sure. But what you do know is when you take QSC‘s products (because the stuff works…you can feel it) that even if we are living in a simulation, the master computer has you covered and the simulation will make you feel that the QSC stuff actually does work. Understand?
Understood alright. Speaking of promises, where'd all the rats scurry away to that promised to post further labtesting? Must've gotten a better deal than free labs and a refund I guess.
I wonder why this is a separate thread on the super popular meso marketplace instead of a reply to the very Tesofensine thread in labtesting that you're referencing.

Understood alright. Speaking of promises, where'd all the rats scurry away to that promised to post further labtesting? Must've gotten a better deal than free labs and a refund I guess.
Bro youre in every fucking thread of and about an seller. Are you loosing that much customers?
You are using QSC Tesofensine?
No but I can read studies. Even 0.25mg were effective. If someone is not feeling anything at 10mg then why even try 25mg?

In this case: You have no idea what you are taking, it could be a chemical compound that stays in your body for a very long time, not showing short term side effects but possibly long term, who knows. If you dont feel anything at 10mg, or better 5mg then just throw it out of the window and accept the loss.
I wonder why this is a separate thread on the super popular meso marketplace instead of a reply to the very Tesofensine thread in labtesting that you're referencing.

Understood alright. Speaking of promises, where'd all the rats scurry away to that promised to post further labtesting? Must've gotten a better deal than free labs and a refund I guess.
You mean like the tests that you promised to pay for that never materialised?

This is such an obvious attack on a competitor it’s beyond ridiculous.
You mean like the tests that you promised to pay for that never materialised?

This is such an obvious attack on a competitor it’s beyond ridiculous.
Cool story, bro. What do you have to say about the "tesofensine" that he did have tested that turned out to be God knows what?

This is such an obvious attempt at by a qsc shill to change the focus from what really matters here, it's beyond ridiculous.
You mean like the tests that you promised to pay for that never materialised?

This is such an obvious attack on a competitor it’s beyond ridiculous.
Yes, next guy whose post history consists primarily of simping for QSC, those are exactly the tests I'm talking about, the ones that didn't materialize because not a single QSC customer contacted me in any way about my offer despite initially expressing interest publically.

Maybe you can help me think about what could have changed everyone's mind back then? I just cannot think of anything at all that made everyone all at once lose interest in what their mystery purchase really was, as having a labtest also doubled as a requirement for receiving a refund. Beyond that, all of them seem to have lost interest in the test results from two different labs the QSC rep promised he would get and should have gotten long ago by now as well. I trust that it's all obvious to you @Hcuro, and will listen attentively to receive my lesson.
Maybe you can help me think about what could have changed everyone's mind back then?
Maybe the fact that tossing $60 worth of product has no significance over the 100s of $ they saved form the ridiculous low prices in other products?

If I was in that kind of situation and I had let's say "saved" $3k ordering from QSC I wouldn't fret over $60 or $100 for that matter. I would order "common" items, guaranteed to be at high purity because they are so cheap that no one would fake them/mislabeled them. An recuperate the teso loss that way.

Any sane person that has a basic grasp on financial decisions would do the same afaik.
Maybe the fact that tossing $60 worth of product has no significance over the 100s of $ they saved form the ridiculous low prices in other products?

If I was in that kind of situation and I had let's say "saved" $3k ordering from QSC I wouldn't fret over $60 or $100 for that matter. I would order "common" items, guaranteed to be at high purity because they are so cheap that no one would fake them/mislabeled them. An recuperate the teso loss that way.

Any sane person that has a basic grasp on financial decisions would do the same afaik.
Wouldn't you know this to be a fact only if you had checked the purchase history of all the Tesofensine customers to find that all of them had spent thousands? Why are you talking like an advertisement by mentioning "ridiculously low prices", "savings" and "common items, guaranteed to be at high purity" and speaking for this group of customers that you don't belong to, not having bought these Tesofensine raws yourself?

Your entire post reads as if a chatbot made it given that you completely ignore the point that these customers did express interest in obtaining the refund and the opportunity to not have to pay for the cost of labtesting initially.
Maybe the fact that tossing $60 worth of product has no significance over the 100s of $ they saved form the ridiculous low prices in other products?

If I was in that kind of situation and I had let's say "saved" $3k ordering from QSC I wouldn't fret over $60 or $100 for that matter. I would order "common" items, guaranteed to be at high purity because they are so cheap that no one would fake them/mislabeled them. An recuperate the teso loss that way.

Any sane person that has a basic grasp on financial decisions would do the same afaik.
First of all, I've made one order from QSC and I was happy with it. In fact, I will probably order from them again in the future. With that being said, this is probably the exact opppsite of how most people would feel about the situation. If you pay for something, you should be getting that item and not thinking you've already saved a bunch of money anyways. I'm not taking sides since the question of whether the teso was real or not doesnt concern me directly as I would never be interested in ordering it. That's not my standard nor should it be anyone else's. I don't want to hear "they're drug dealers not amazon." Have some self-respect and quit being an apologist. It's not acceptable to be ripped off as long as your coming out ahead in the end.
speaking for this group of customers that you don't belong to, not having bought these Tesofensine raws yourself?
Bist du sicher, kleines Schweinchen?

You assume too much. I have said it before and call it what you want. Your only care about harm reduction, is the reducing the sales harm you suffered when qsc showed up setting up a european reship service with absurdly low prices compared to yours.

What I just said is what a business conscious person would have done and YOU KNOW it. I am a homebrewer and have spent over $2k in the last 6 months and saved as much. So yeah, fuck that teso raws.
I don't want to hear "they're drug dealers not amazon." Have some self-respect and quit being an apologist. It's not acceptable to be ripped off as long as your coming out ahead in the end.
No it's not Walmart or Amazon, it's a drug deal. I don't apologize for nothing, it just makes too much fucking sense in the real world to chuck it as a loss and move on. If you can comprehend that line of reasoning that's a you problem.
Bist du sicher, kleines Schweinchen?
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You assume too much.
I made no assumption, I simply took you by your word when you pretended to not have purchased those raws, though I've no idea why you'd lie about it only to admit to by the next post.

I have said it before and call it what you want. Your only care about harm reduction, is the reducing the sales harm you suffered when qsc showed up setting up a european reship service with absurdly low prices compared to yours.
This topic is about a Tesofensine sample that could not be identified as Tesofensine or anything close to it. Your master sold something they did no research or testing on to their customers that did no research or testing on it either. They don't pay for their customers labtesting of their products, so I offered to pay the 380usd per Tesofensine sample tested for their customers. I have no intentions of selling Tesofensine in any form ever, so I'm not sure how that's making me money but I'm impressed that you managed to twist this into shilling for their EU reshipping service with "absurdly low prices". Reps get custom nametags now that are supposed to prevent them from manipulating the community, so you should get that sorted out.
@Liska stop the holier than thou approach. You are like fly on shit regarding qsc.

And as to the "If I were..." statement, it's the same thing we use in those forums. Trying to derail the obvious fact that your calculations of early retirement was pissed on by a china man that cut your sales and now you run around pointing fingers all the time makes it look more ridiculous than it really is.

You offered to pay in order to unleash more "QSC is selling fake stuff hurrr durrr". You think you no one sees the blatant try to chase off another source cause he is fucking up your game?

As for the accusation of me being a rep, I can do basic math: 10 vials of Test C from qsc cost less than 3 of yours, so yeah that is absurdly low price less than 1/3 to be exact.

So, take it like a man and move on. Business has set backs. Start making cat collars, maybe it's more profitable, oh wait, aliexpress will fuck up your profits again, but you can't chase off Jack Ma.

And since you are so concerned about the harm reduction, I 'll take you up on the offer for testing my teso, if it has no strings attached to it. None, zero.

Do we have a deal? If yes pm me to make the arrangements.