QSC Tesofensine review

You offered to pay in order to unleash more "QSC is selling fake stuff hurrr durrr". You think you no one sees the blatant try to chase off another source cause he is fucking up your game?
My... Tesofensine game? Noone but you sees this as a blatant try to chase them off because another bad labtest is just a drop in their bucket at this point and they're still here and by their own admission still don't care about exotic niche compounds. You gotta be more spineless than a Peyote to come up with this stuff. I've offered to pay for completely unrelated labtests as well but your leash doesn't extend that far from QSC's thread.
And since you are so concerned about the harm reduction, I 'll take you up on the offer for testing my teso, if it has no strings attached to it. None, zero.
You're perfectly aware that your master has already tested it and like everything else you really care about, you can get the results behind closed doors.
Yes, next guy whose post history consists primarily of simping for QSC, those are exactly the tests I'm talking about, the ones that didn't materialize because not a single QSC customer contacted me in any way about my offer despite initially expressing interest publically.

Maybe you can help me think about what could have changed everyone's mind back then? I just cannot think of anything at all that made everyone all at once lose interest in what their mystery purchase really was, as having a labtest also doubled as a requirement for receiving a refund. Beyond that, all of them seem to have lost interest in the test results from two different labs the QSC rep promised he would get and should have gotten long ago by now as well. I trust that it's all obvious to you @Hcuro, and will listen attentively to receive my lesson.
The shill part would make sense if I could even make make purchases from Qingdao anymore, unfortunately due to where I live. i can’t.

People are free to make their own choices, imo, a test entirely arranged my a competitor is as worthless as one done by the source themselves.
You're perfectly aware that your master has already tested it and like everything else you really care about, you can get the results behind closed doors.
Push comes to shove and you become the cheapskate pussy that everyone knows you are.

And he is not fucking up your nonexistent teso game, he is fucking your gd game in general.

Anyway, enough with your whining bitch ass persona, you can do whatever you think will help your failing sales.

I am done with you.