Quad Twitch on the needle?


New Member
I am 3 weeks TRT, been pinning Test C with a 26 gauge alternating quads, 2x/week.

so on my left quad, i was in the middle third, left side...and in setting up my pin, i remembered a video saying go 90 deg from the quad, so i came in from the side vs top...1/2 way sinking my 1" needle, i felt what felt like an inner muscle twitch on the needle hard, like it was on the outside of another muscle bundle or something.

question, was it just plain wrong to come in from the high side of the quad vs down from the top? Hopefully was just a rback ookie error, or is it something that happens from time to time....and what do i need to do if that is the case?

<<backstory, i pulled back slightly, aspirated no blood, sent the load home at about 1/2 depth...felt great as per ususal no PIP>>
Seemed to happen more frequently in my triceps, chest, and shoulders. Doesn’t happen in glutes or vg. Didn’t necessarily hurt or anything but was weird and uncomfortable almost like the muscle was trying to push the needle out. With that said, no harm was ever done from it
i pin mainly quads and also delts and happens to me and my friend often. 27G x 3/4" so should be plenty to hit IM.

doesnt cause any pain, very minor discomfort maybe. im positive its right spot. im just "meh" and push oil in...
Seemed to happen more frequently in my triceps, chest, and shoulders. Doesn’t happen in glutes or vg. Didn’t necessarily hurt or anything but was weird and uncomfortable almost like the muscle was trying to push the needle out. With that said, no harm was ever done from it
Yeah, it just happens sometimes. There seem to be some regions on my quads that are more likely to do it than others. It doesn't seem to be a big deal, although I'm a little more likely to get mild PIP after that.
I am 3 weeks TRT, been pinning Test C with a 26 gauge alternating quads, 2x/week.

so on my left quad, i was in the middle third, left side...and in setting up my pin, i remembered a video saying go 90 deg from the quad, so i came in from the side vs top...1/2 way sinking my 1" needle, i felt what felt like an inner muscle twitch on the needle hard, like it was on the outside of another muscle bundle or something.

question, was it just plain wrong to come in from the high side of the quad vs down from the top? Hopefully was just a rback ookie error, or is it something that happens from time to time....and what do i need to do if that is the case?

<<backstory, i pulled back slightly, aspirated no blood, sent the load home at about 1/2 depth...felt great as per ususal no PIP>>
I have had that twitch when pinning quads a handful of times. I just pulled out the pin, moved over a bit and I was fine.