Quarantine Tren...Quarantine cut in progress


New Member
Being a cook I opted for unemployment until this pandemic passes/labor hrs are back and this has proven to be the perfect time to have my first full Tren experience. Idk what my stats were or are now...i dont have a scale and obviously have to workout at home..so bear with me. Im 5'9" was about 228lbs at Id guess 15ish % bf. I'd venture to say I'm probably 10% bf now but honestly dont know even what to guess for weight...Ive dropped fat but def have added lean mass aswell.

I ran Tren Ace prob 8 years ago at too high of dose for my first time (think 150mg eod, so around 525/wk). Lack of maturity, dedication, and the tren sides (horrid night sweats, insomnia) caused me to quit after approximately 2 weeks. This was when I was young and thought "more is better". While I always had proper PCT, followed moderate doses, bloodwork, moderate cycle lengths, etc I had a bad habit of wanting to try other compounds or add another one next cycle. Well I grew out of that after a few years, lifted naturally for around 5 years then last June hopped back on the train. Just a classic bulking cycle (600 teste, 250mg deca (joints), dbol 40mg(4wks) ran for 14 wks).

Fast forward to the reason for my post. I started cutting right after the lockdown started here. Made a promise to myself that since Im lucky enough to have free time while paying the bills, that I was going to get in the best physical shape not only of my 30s but life. I had the a decently muscular base from 15+ years of training combined with last years cycle. Went low and managable.

300 mg Test E /wk ( settled on 300 over 200 for measuring ease)
250mg Tren A/ wk
0.25 adex EOD
tudca and supplements
Will be adding some Var after I come off tren (wk 9).

Without the quarantine using Tren would have been really hard for me to work into my life. Im a pretty quiet and nonconfrontational person but I do have an anger/temper problem where Ill hold it in till i explode. So i knew i was potentially playing with fire with Tren. I have seen AMAZING results from it. Ibe leaned out so much, way more vasularity due to that and Im adding some size while in a deficit. The compliments are diff from any other cycle ive ran.

The downside. Even at just 250mg per wk, no work, no gf, almost no human contact I can just go into a full on RAGE mode. Like the dumbest shit can trigger it and escalates from there..I feel very confrontational whenever im in public and someone slighted me or even disagrees with me. I have to be fully focused sometimes on NOT raging. There is no way this would work if my ex was still living with me and Id be a little hesistant to be "on" while I work at the restaurant. Its a high volume, high stress place.

Idk how or why anyone would run large amounts of tren. Unless youre a high level BBer or income depends on it, running Tren at high doses for lookimg good or anything similar is foolish. Idk how people dont murder eachother when they start going towards 1g. I did ALOT of reading on this forum about Tren for months before this cycle and it is alarming the amount of horrible suggestions/advice there is in regards to Tren. More people would suggest keep raising it until you can feel or cant take the sides...why? Its unnecessary. I am amazed at the results of 250mg and there is no reason FOR ME to push that just to have more sides.

Srry for the rant towards the end. As i stated, i used to have that mentality I always needed more compounds or more quantity..and that may have permanently damanged my body, so Ill live with it but any of us guys that are seasoned need to stop propogating this to the younger ones while they still have a chance to avoid damage. Some massive dude on here running like a 4-5gram a wk blast was telling noobs its not worth it unless youre well over a gram per wk first cycle. Wtf.

So to conclude,
Im running Tren at the same dose till week 9. I am thinking about running Var for the following 6-8 weeks with Test still.
I considered running Mast E (not mast p) after I drop the Tren but from what I gather I'd want to run Mast E at least 12 weeks (thinking 400mg), that would push my cycle past 20wks. Even if I went from 300mg of test e to a TRT dose for the last 12-14 wks, how bad do you think the recovery for that would be? Ive never ran a cycle even close to 20 wks. I have some HCG on the way (i dropped the one I had and shattered). PCT is planned. Is it worth it?
My logic is the fairly low doses and mild compounds (mast,var) will be easier on the body, maybe on the recovery, and will continue a fantastic cut that Im currently enjoying. Also I have never used Mast but think it will really polish the tren results. The only thing that makes me hesistant is the 8 wks i will have run Tren and what effects thatll have on me moving forward. Opinions, questions, criticism welcomed

The full Tren experience was incredible but probably will be my last. I'm content with my body. Now i want to maintain and refine so weaker/less sides AAS are perfect for me at this stage in my life. I see a lot of Test, Primo, Mast and Eq in my remaining days! Cheers
Just to add, my workout regimen stayed the same..I adapted to no gym by using resistance bands, pull/chin up bar and 40lb tubs of cat litter...i shit you not, that and laundry detergent make some excellent kettlebells. I think it has benefited me as normally I have a tendency to want to train like Im bulking. Also, mass was still gained consuming roughly 2000-2600 cals while walking 6-11 miles every day. Cardarine was KEY. My stamina and endurance is thru the roof right now..I waited to take the cardarine until I felt any aerobic side effects...sure as shit a week in I'd be gassed by rep 8 like I was walking up a hill and forgot to breath
Congratulations on commenting just to be a dick!
I didn't say I gained 20lbs of lean muscle. I said size. That's subjective. People can look like they have more size by merely losing fat..and yes I also think I added a few lbs of lean mass. My diet is on but does fluctuate a little. Sometimes it's around maintenance. I didn't know it was a secret Tren is phenomenal for recomp (sarcasm)
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I've not passed 600mg a week, but I must be lucky not to get too many bad sides. I get more "on edge" sometimes but I can control it, the night sweats are about the only annoying thing for me.
Tren is a pretty wild drug, dude. Adding size in a deficit isn't unheard of... But usually only happens when you're new to it.

So addition thru subtraction is possible?

I can see maybe muscles getting temporarily “swole” while on it from the nutrition partitioning and glycogen shuttling but I’m not believing adding lean muscle mass. If I was to build a shed, I need some lumber, I can’t build it out of thin air.
So addition thru subtraction is possible?

I can see maybe muscles getting temporarily “swole” while on it from the nutrition partitioning and glycogen shuttling but I’m not believing adding lean muscle mass. If I was to build a shed, I need some lumber, I can’t build it out of thin air.

There are two situations where this can occur. A newbie that just started in the gym with a good routine and good diet, even if it's not necessarily a surplus... Or a new AAS user.

I'm not saying it makes any sense, it's just been shown to happen and I don't think it's even fully understood.
There are two situations where this can occur. A newbie that just started in the gym with a good routine and good diet, even if it's not necessarily a surplus... Or a new AAS user.

I'm not saying it makes any sense, it's just been shown to happen and I don't think it's even fully understood.

Do you think Tren plays a role in gluconeogenesis?
It is only a theory, if protein and water intake is good then maybe fats are a primary source of glycogen?
Do you think Tren plays a role in gluconeogenesis?
It is only a theory, if protein and water intake is good then maybe fats are a primary source of glycogen?

I have honestly no idea. But, I will say that a lot could be learned by more human studies with tren... Until that happens, we'd just be taking guesses as far as all of the actions it takes in the body.

Tren is a wild drug, it does some really interesting things that other compounds just don't come close to but we don't really know very much about it. When humans are taking something intended to preserve muscle tissue in cattle, I guess it's to be expected that interesting things are going to happen!
I have honestly no idea. But, I will say that a lot could be learned by more human studies with tren... Until that happens, we'd just be taking guesses as far as all of the actions it takes in the body.

Tren is a wild drug, it does some really interesting things that other compounds just don't come close to but we don't really know very much about it. When humans are taking something intended to preserve muscle tissue in cattle, I guess it's to be expected that interesting things are going to happen!

I love the science of AAS more than I like using it haha. Makes me want to try Tren one day for the experience of it. Still a long ways out though.
Congratulations on commenting just to be a dick!
I didn't say I gained 20lbs of lean muscle. I said size. That's subjective. People can look like they have more size by merely losing fat..and yes I also think I added a few lbs of lean mass. My diet is on but does fluctuate a little. Sometimes it's around maintenance. I didn't know it was a secret Tren is phenomenal for recomp (sarcasm)
You’re working out at home using cat shit as weights while using tren.