question about estogen/estradiol


New Member
I'm comparing my estradiol to somebody else's estrogen and am wondering if the numbers convert differntly. My estradiol was 90 on =pg/ml and my buddy's estrogen was 104 on a 40-115. can anybody she'd some light on this? I know mine was about double where I want it, but need to know if his is that far out of range. Thanx
Stop concerning yourself about the absolute E-2 NUMBER and focus on the presence or absence of signs and symptoms!
I'm not concerned. I was just curious about if it was the same conversion or not. I guess more trying to help somebody out if his #s r within normal range or not.
Conversion of what? Many labs use different norms as their reference ranges. If the units are the same then the only variance is the norms used between labs.

If your "not concerned" about your estrogen value then why did you post this thread and then state your E-2 level "is double where I want it". Those are conflicting statement IMO.

Good luck
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Thanx. My blood was from about 6 months ago and his was yesterday. I just didn't know if 100 was the same on a 40-115 as a 100 on the =39 pg/mL scale. I know there are differnt readings for test scores, maybe it was in differnt countries.