Question about my PCT. Any insight would be great!


New Member

I'm 26 and did my first cycle of Test E @ 500mg/week for 12 weeks.
I'm 2 weeks into my PCT of Nolva and Clomid, Nolva 20mg + Clomid 50mg daily.

My main question, is do I need to be running both Nolva and Clomid for the mild cycle I did? I've heard that Nolva can make one feel lethargic and weak, and I'm definitely feeling this at the moment but this could just be because I'm 2 weeks into my PCT?!

The first week was definitely alot better than this.

Anyone else had this experience or could shed some light?
If you haven't already
Go to home page and read about "clomid" and "Nolva" by Bill Roberts....

Then read comprehensive guide to pct written in forum by ape, but a reflection of Doctor scallys Pct of combining serms..
(Note I believe this was written for hard cases/ big cycles/ long trt runs)

Point being Pct sucks either way it goes-- regardless.... Hard to say wether it's just no test symptoms or running high doses of two serms together. Listen to your body it's already telling you ur answer:)
^ Solid advice.

You probably don't need both. Especially for the conservative cycle you ran but you are already in it now buddy. Keep taking as plannned, eat big! And hit the weights just as hard. I've found that to be most effective to maintaining gains and feeling a little better coming off.