Question about PCT's and getting Libido back


New Member
What do you all rec. as some good PCT's.. I've juiced for quite sometime now and after a good layoff have started some M1T. I have no Libido nada! Is there anything besides HCG which I don't have access to that will get the nuts working again.. Would Clomid or Nolva help the Sex Drive? If so can you PM if you know of anyplace I could order these or other recommendations online.

meila said:
What do you all rec. as some good PCT's.. I've juiced for quite sometime now and after a good layoff have started some M1T. I have no Libido nada! Is there anything besides HCG which I don't have access to that will get the nuts working again.. Would Clomid or Nolva help the Sex Drive? If so can you PM if you know of anyplace I could order these or other recommendations online.


bro, theres a search function at the top of the page. There are 100s of posts with PCT recommendations so I highly suggest you did that instead of wait for one of us to spoon feed ya. Looks to me like you're trying your best to suppress your HPTA as much as you can.
