question about sustanon


New Member
i was looking to just run a trt dose of sustanon for 16 weeks. was thinking 250mg a week split up so like 125mg monday and 125mg thursday. my question is will i have to use any arimidex on this dose? i am going to have 1mg capsules. i am a bit higher on the bodyfat percentage rn. i am around 20%. would i be alright dosing half of 1mg once a week? thanks everyone
yeah it has 2 long esters and 2 short esters. i dont understand why it would be needed to pinned eod.
Because ideally you want stable levels, which equates to less sides.
The short esters are out of your system completely before your next pin.
Have a look for yourself on
Sustanon shouldn't have a place in this world but people still buy it because there uneducated gym bro said its the best.
You'll get much better levels with plan old Cypionate.

Shouldn't need any arimidex on a trt dose, and why are you running a trt dose for 16 weeks... Thats not what trt is...

What your doing is running a small cycle, and probably wasting your time.
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First of all 250mg of any Testosterone is not a TRT for all, but maybe 1-2% of population and even then they should probably inject more often and lower their dosage!

Nobody can say, if you gonna need AI. I would require anastrozole 0.25mg twice weekly for this. Another example is on TU 250mg (undecanoate ester) I need more, something like 0.25mg eod. As you can see it's differrent between esters not to mention everybody is different.

Please don't copycat the above, you are not me, it might be too much for you and lower your estrogen too much. Blood work will tell you all you need to know.

As for injection frequency when it comes to Sustanon ester it is ideally eod, or at least 3x per week due to propionate and phenylpropionate esters.

Overall, I would recommend different ester of choice like enanthate or cypionate, even propionate. Basically single ester causes less side effects and more stable Testosterone blood levels, not to mention estrogen. Fluctuations are not productive.
sustanon eod? u think i will get more stable levels that way?
honestly id start with cyp, thats what i did then i went to sust because i enjoy the prop in it better. it gives me more energy and keeps me balanced bettter with cyp i felt off some weeks and on some weeks. which is not what i was paying my doctor for. also, get bloodwork done as eeryone has said 250 is not trt lvls thats true, you have to understand alot f these so called trt clinics are shams, They just want to sell their shit to you. I use sust because i fell good my levels are good and when i do trt lvls of sust i do like 200 a week into 4 shots a week.
I wouldn't bother with Sustanon just run 200mg Test E or C every 7-10 days depending obviously on how bloods are looking and you can feel out for the dosage you prefer.. Running Sustanon such a low dose your barley making use of the Esters
its more for my blood lvls , at that level as i have said seeing how my blood comes out at 700 its perfect for me so if your bloods dictate the levels of test and your doctor confirms the level you should listen. Bro science is just that BRO SCIENCE.