Question on switchin anti e


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10+ Year Member
well I just read @xgunx thread

And now I'm confused on switching my ai.

I'm currently taking 12.5mg stane ed while running 500mg/test e. Working well.

I am Goin to add npp to my cycle and figured I'd used a stronger anti e (adex).

But after that read I see there can be a big estro rebound after dropping npp and Goin back to just test. And it would be better to run adex while on just test and stane while adding npp.

So my question is should I keep running stane when I add npp then switch to adex while on test only?
I'm running the same exact shit and I'm stayin with the aromasin and everything's feeling good still I actually just took bloods a couple days ago I'll let u know how my estrogen comes back
well I just read @xgunx thread

And now I'm confused on switching my ai.

I'm currently taking 12.5mg stane ed while running 500mg/test e. Working well.

I am Goin to add npp to my cycle and figured I'd used a stronger anti e (adex).

But after that read I see there can be a big estro rebound after dropping npp and Goin back to just test. And it would be better to run adex while on just test and stane while adding npp.

So my question is should I keep running stane when I add npp then switch to adex while on test only?

I am running aro (on cycle as well ) I am also not a expert on this nor did I write that as I said in the beginning. But I liked how it breaks down how each individual sinstance works and figured some guys here could read it and decide their goals. Just trying to save others some research.