Quingdao: worst service, no stealth and fake raws

Well, there are hundreds of thousands of $'s to be made or gained by bashing your competitor. We can only wonder. Till I see test report after test report of bad quality, nothing else matters.

I'm sure they ship tons of packages and have a better understanding on the best way to ship, than the average person knows.
They can do so much more "evil" acts than that in terms of black-hat that can be far more effective.

It is incredibly petty to resort to gaslighting and only confuses other users and makes people more suspicious of every source including theirs, not just the competitors.

They're retarded fags that should be wiped. Am I allowed to say that? I hope this forum isn't strict.
Everyone has said the customer service has been great that purchased from them. You are not a customer, you are a flamer.

@Jet Labs got multiple things tested from them. @MisterSuperGod gave the opinion the company was good with the exception of the rudeness of the salesperson.

Everyone has seen all the lab tests, and even @MisterSuperGod has stated they looked good and acceptable.

Multiple others have left feedback about getting their products quickly , promptly . Go read the thread. They are getting lots of sales, and a lot of good feedback. I'll be ordering again soon.
I hope @Millard seriously bans you for continuing to stalk @MisterSuperGod. I've lost track of the number of threads you have brought him into.
Well, there are hundreds of thousands of $'s to be made or gained by bashing your competitor. We can only wonder. Till I see test report after test report of bad quality, nothing else matters.

I'm sure they ship tons of packages and have a better understanding on the best way to ship, than the average person knows.
Your that clown sworder who climaxes and ejaculates when you poop. You will never live that down. Those were you very own exact words.
I hope @Millard seriously bans you for continuing to stalk @MisterSuperGod. I've lost track of the number of threads you have brought him into.

I just call him out as a hypocrite. He stated the results looked good.

Then when asked about it, he said "He did not remember if he made a post like that". LOL

He's definitely not a person to put much trust into his opinion, he's wishy-washy.

You're the 2nd boyfriend of his, sticking up for him. Do you two know each other? You know he's cheating on you!
Sorry i started this. Didnt mean to start a war. Just trying to find the truth. But the truth has more sides than i ever imagined. Would love to see a fourm vote. For and against
I hope @Millard seriously bans you for continuing to stalk @MisterSuperGod. I've lost track of the number of threads you have brought him into.

Aww, it's puppy love. i could probably get this fat fuck to steal money from his mothers purse and send it to me.

With great power comes great responsibility. Remember that, kids. It's all fun and games until your stalker shows up at your door holding a dozen roses and wearing nothing but a pair of assless chaps.
Aww, it's puppy love. i could probably get this fat fuck to steal money from his mothers purse and send it to me.

With great power comes great responsibility. Remember that, kids. It's all fun and games until your stalker shows up at your door holding a dozen roses and wearing nothing but a pair of assless chaps.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t all chaps assless?
Yes but normal bikers wear jeans under them. Sworder doesn't wear them for protection, he's just going for a certain look and, obviously, easy access.
Only reason I ask is because someone corrected me when I said assless chaps years ago and it stuck with me.
I'm glad I found this thread. Meanwhile in Ding Dongs thread hes claiming a 100% pass rate through customs. Selectivley sharing screen shots of tracking numbers that show delivered. Do people not realize the dude can just decide not to show the tracking numbers that got seized, its a shill army over there. What a shit source. I wish BBB was still around for this sometimes.
I'm glad I found this thread. Meanwhile in Ding Dongs thread hes claiming a 100% pass rate through customs. What a shit source. I wish BBB was still around for this sometimes.
It is a fake feedback from an account with 2 messages who posted them and disappeared with 0 proofs, and we never label packages as electronic products, and packages never exceed 1 kg, so "kilograms of electronic products" show you how bad liar he is, keep looking again for another thread hater ^^
100% success rate is a fact, and products are legit (no fake raws), he said our anadrol is fake, our anadrol was tested in forum by members, and it's legit :D
Believing this kind of stupid threads and ignoring all facts shows how retard you are
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It is a fake feedback from an account with 2 messages who posted them and disappeared with 0 proofs, and we never send them as electronic products, and packages never exceed 1 kg, so "kilograms of electronic products" show you how bad liar he is, keep looking again for another thread hater ^^
Still not addressing the tracking number BS. Also your Chinese HPLC tests are clearly fake as janoshik helped point out, your brewer can't brew for shit. You have an ass hat attitude. Is your HCG still dosed at 50% of the label claim?
This is exactly what I mean, instead of addressing criticisms you just insult anyone who asks you anything you don't like.

Also, your stupid little gif was liked by a 0 post account. Why does that not surprise me? I guess with @Cherokee gone now, you have to make some more accounts to replace him.
Since I have no time to answer retards or making new accounts, welcome to my ignore list, now for the rest of your life, your comments will be ignored ^^