Raloxifene experiences


Interesting in hearing others experiences with Raloxifene, specifically how it affected your gyno (either new or glandularized), and also how you would compare it to nolvadex. Is it better thqn nolvadex for glandular gyno?

I do have glandular gyno, and I know that surgery is really the only option to actually get rid of it, but before I potentially explore the surgical option that would require me to miss months away from the gym having to recover from the operation, I've been thinking about giving ralo a try, perhaps with letrozole to see just how much I can get it to shrink, if it all.

So experiences--post them up. The good, the bad, the ugly. Whatever you want to say with regards to raloxifene
For me it shrank the the little granular gyno I had in my left nipple for a while to nothing in about two weeks with qsc 50 mg pills. No real sides for me
You asked, so...

Either use different anabolics or get the surgery.

I'd hate to need to rely on raloxifene just to keep using a particular gear I liked, just to keep the tiddies at bay.

This is a long-term game and we're already juggling many variables.
You asked, so...

Either use different anabolics or get the surgery.

I'd hate to need to rely on raloxifene just to keep using a particular gear I liked, just to keep the tiddies at bay.

This is a long-term game and we're already juggling many variables.
Yeah but I'd like to get it as small as possible before the surgery ideally. Makes the process less invasive = hopefully a quicker recovery time
Interesting in hearing others experiences with Raloxifene, specifically how it affected your gyno (either new or glandularized), and also how you would compare it to nolvadex. Is it better thqn nolvadex for glandular gyno?

I do have glandular gyno, and I know that surgery is really the only option to actually get rid of it, but before I potentially explore the surgical option that would require me to miss months away from the gym having to recover from the operation, I've been thinking about giving ralo a try, perhaps with letrozole to see just how much I can get it to shrink, if it all.

So experiences--post them up. The good, the bad, the ugly. Whatever you want to say with regards to raloxifene
I can't comment on gyno because I don't have any. But I took Raloxifene preventive while on MENT and I experienced no side effects at all.
Didn't do much for me and I was taking it for a few years straight to prevent it from getting worse.

I had the surgery finally this year. If you don't require lipo and you aren't fat you should recover fast. Of course I was taking everything under the sun to speed up the recovery (gh, peps, stayed on gear) and that stuff most certainly had a significant impact. I was back in the gym after 2 weeks. After 3 weeks I was lifting heavy. Waited until 4 weeks to do heavy presses even though I could have before.
Didn't do much for me and I was taking it for a few years straight to prevent it from getting worse.

I had the surgery finally this year. If you don't require lipo and you aren't fat you should recover fast. Of course I was taking everything under the sun to speed up the recovery (gh, peps, stayed on gear) and that stuff most certainly had a significant impact. I was back in the gym after 2 weeks. After 3 weeks I was lifting heavy. Waited until 4 weeks to do heavy presses even though I could have before.
Great info! Thank you
Had a little gyno flair up a while back this year. Took 60mg a day for about a month and it went away and so far not returned. Have more on standby if it raises its ugly head again.
Had a little gyno flair up a while back this year. Took 60mg a day for about a month and it went away and so far not returned. Have more on standby if it raises its ugly head again.
Did you get mental sides?
None at all mate. I actually switched from Nolva as I’d heard that ralox was easier on the side effects….side of things. It worked well for me which is why I have about a months supply on hand right now.
I have a bunch too, and it actually shrunk gyno i had for 14 years. Down to half the size. I ran for 30 days. But i started feeling really weird, and then i linked it to what changed which was the ralox. I was taking 60 mg a day. It worked very well. And i may run it again to finish it off when i can afford to in life. But i told myself to never again, i was so short tempered and down. It worked for me. It shrunk it from a 2 quarter size on both sides thickness and width, to dime size on one and a nickel size on the other. And it has actually stayed like that since.
I’ve taken a few 60 day x 60mg Ralox runs and Nolva about 10mg EOD. If I eat decent the gyno isn’t noticeable.

If I don’t eat great it starts swelling again. If I quit taking the drugs and eat clean my hardened lumps are more visible than I prefer.

So this interests me because I’ve never noticed mental sides or anything negative at all. But I’ve been doing this protocol for over a decade now.

So I’m interested in hearing about the negative sides. I’m not negating any potential short or long term issues so I’d like to hear more about the side effects you guys experience.
I took 100mg for a week then backed down to 60mg for months. I don’t think it really helped a lot for me. I am hoping to get my glands removed by Dr Adajar next year.
I took 100mg for a week then backed down to 60mg for months. I don’t think it really helped a lot for me. I am hoping to get my glands removed by Dr Adajar next year.
Honestly the growth of gyno is the only thing that holds me back sometimes from going more intensly. So getting removed is a fantastic move.
Didn't do much for me and I was taking it for a few years straight to prevent it from getting worse.

I had the surgery finally this year. If you don't require lipo and you aren't fat you should recover fast. Of course I was taking everything under the sun to speed up the recovery (gh, peps, stayed on gear) and that stuff most certainly had a significant impact. I was back in the gym after 2 weeks. After 3 weeks I was lifting heavy. Waited until 4 weeks to do heavy presses even though I could have before.

I did it last month with lipo too, after 30 days I am still recovering, a lot of small inconveniences , chest swell, stitches kept breaking, and wound crusts kept tearing every bandage I change lol. I'm glad it lasted for you only 2 weeks.
Apart of that, in my case the difference is impressive. I've had a great amount of gyno but was masked with localized fat, and at first you wouldn't tell it was that big.
I would suggest to anyone who is even remotely concerned about gyno to do surgery first. I would've done it before if I knew better.
Honestly the growth of gyno is the only thing that holds me back sometimes from going more intensly. So getting removed is a fantastic move.
That’s why i am going for it. I don’t get bad sides on most peds. I just aromatize very easy and my gyno flares up. Dr Adajar is known for removing the whole gland so that’s why I picked him and his results look great.
Honestly the growth of gyno is the only thing that holds me back sometimes from going more intensly. So getting removed is a fantastic move.
That’s why i am going for it. I don’t get bad sides on most peds. I just aromatize very easy and my gyno flares up. Dr Adajar is known for removing the whole gland so that’s why I picked him and his results look great