Rate my summer stack


After some time of injectables only i've decided to give orals a chance again.

I'm unsure about the test dose since i usually run it around 600-700 mg with other injectables, but i want to go lower to avoid estrogen sides with dbol. I want to add the dbol because i struggle with motivation atm and testosterone doesn't do anything in that regard for me.

I plan to run the orals for 12-16 weeks.

400 mg Test C (base)
5-10 mg Dianabol (motivation, strength)
20-25 mg Anavar (look, strength)
20-30 iu Lantus (full look and to avoid possible insulin resistance from HGH)
2-4 iu HGH (first time, no idea what to expect, would be already happy with good sleep/recovery)
What's your background in the first place?

Are you seriously to the point you should even be thinking about insulin? You're not nearly on enough hgh to warrant it.

And why run orals that long? Either run them at the end, or get complicated with bookending the cycle but adjusting you test dose up once.you drop the first oral run.

You would do just fine with what Palifter said above and take 95% the risk out.of the cycle.
Are you seriously to the point you should even be thinking about insulin?

I like the full round look i get from lantus, works much better than npp or primo for me, also less sides.

And why run orals that long?

I would like to get some keepable mass from it. I'm afraid running higher anavar without dbol will make me lethargic.

But yeah i'm aware i'm probably overcomplicating things.
Would throw out the Dianabol and stick with Primo 300:300, 3-4iu HGH, anavar 2x daily the last weeks, no need for insulin

Can always throw in some injectable carnitin for blood glucose (does wonders to mine)
I like to keep Testosterone a bit lower in the summer and add in anavar.

Something like 200-300mg weekly combined with 30mg anavar daily. Depending on bloods and how I feel I'd take var for 8 weeks possibly. Of course diet is like 80% and you can do without anavar.
Unless anavar specifically causes it for you, it typically doesn't have the lethargy/appetite hit that other orals do.

I'd either run the 400 test (pin it at least 3x a week to minimize estrogen and bloat), the hgh paired with metformin or berberine+ GTF Chromium , then either a long term 20mg var throughout (actual 20mg, not a 20mg UGL product that actually has 16) or save it all for the end and blast 50mg/day for 4-6 weeks.

Insulin is risky to play with man. Very risky. There's certain drugs that only competitors should touch, insulin is one of those along with tren, DNP, etc.

You really don't need it at all man, you're just putting yourself at extreme risk for instant gratification.

And you'll keep anavar gains if you're actually working hard and not just doing short hypertrophy workouts.
Unless anavar specifically causes it for you, it typically doesn't have the lethargy/appetite hit that other orals do.

I'd either run the 400 test (pin it at least 3x a week to minimize estrogen and bloat), the hgh paired with metformin or berberine+ GTF Chromium , then either a long term 20mg var throughout (actual 20mg, not a 20mg UGL product that actually has 16) or save it all for the end and blast 50mg/day for 4-6 weeks.

Insulin is risky to play with man. Very risky. There's certain drugs that only competitors should touch, insulin is one of those along with tren, DNP, etc.

You really don't need it at all man, you're just putting yourself at extreme risk for instant gratification.

And you'll keep anavar gains if you're actually working hard and not just doing short hypertrophy workouts.
Insulin is actually very safe to use dude.
If you've never used it, don't spread stuff like this around. Of course you can get hypo, but I can also kill myself when driving my car. Doesn't make driving a car unsafe.

On topic, this cycle is no bueno. Do what Palifter says. Add in mast/primo if you want some more, but drop the lantus dbol and anavar. Only use orals for the last few weeks, but honestly I would totally skip it. Diet will get you lean. Part of dieting is getting flat, you don't need to stay full all the time. If you are full when cutting, you're not cutting hard enough and won't get shredded.
Insulin is actually very safe to use dude.
If you've never used it, don't spread stuff like this around. Of course you can get hypo, but I can also kill myself when driving my car. Doesn't make driving a car unsafe.

Lol, you can tell yourself whatever you want about it, but as a medical professional, insulin along with the others I mentioned definitely go in my bank of "That's stupid unless you're incredibly serious about this sport and well into competition."

The only reason OP gave to run it is the fact they're running GH for the first time, and not even at a dose that would requisite insulin. They're definitely not ready for that ballpark yet.
Lol, you can tell yourself whatever you want about it, but as a medical professional, insulin along with the others I mentioned definitely go in my bank of "That's stupid unless you're incredibly serious about this sport and well into competition."

The only reason OP gave to run it is the fact they're running GH for the first time, and not even at a dose that would requisite insulin. They're definitely not ready for that ballpark yet.
Besides OP digging into insulin or not, thats a different topic. I share the opinion shouldn't be running insulin without GH unless you're diabetic and/or your blood glucose is affected by GH.
We are on a forum chatting with strangers. If someone wants to do something, they will anyways. We can only advise and try to spread correct information to help their decision making.

Next to that, you don't base your insulin usage on your GH usage. Cmon man, you really show you don't know much about insulin. Which is fine, but no need to further embarras yourself.

You're talking about "risky". Risky implies it is dangerous. Risky =/= directly correlate to bad for your health. The steroids most people are using on this forum are causing more harm than insulin.... If you follow protocol, insulin is super safe to use.

Medical professional means fuck all. You can be a optometrist, dietician, nurse, hell even a midwife..... Insulin itself is NOT dangerous, It is only dangerous in the hands of idiots.

@ksm2 don't run the orals for such a long time. Only delve into orals when you actually need them. If you're just cutting, the GH and test will do more than enough! No need for the others. From experience, this time period is too short for GH to really show its power, as it really comes in to effect when you've ran it year round, but for sure this is good starting dosage on GH. I suggest keeping the GH in (if you can afford in) afterwards on TRT.
After some time of injectables only i've decided to give orals a chance again.

I'm unsure about the test dose since i usually run it around 600-700 mg with other injectables, but i want to go lower to avoid estrogen sides with dbol. I want to add the dbol because i struggle with motivation atm and testosterone doesn't do anything in that regard for me.

I plan to run the orals for 12-16 weeks.

400 mg Test C (base)
5-10 mg Dianabol (motivation, strength)
20-25 mg Anavar (look, strength)
20-30 iu Lantus (full look and to avoid possible insulin resistance from HGH)
2-4 iu HGH (first time, no idea what to expect, would be already happy with good sleep/recovery)
Not a fan of this.

Pick one oral, run it 4-6 weeks (6 weeks max)

Forget the insulin. Insulin will lower your blood glucose, but will actually accelerate your insulin resistance. Plus Lantus is long acting. If you are going to run slin run short acting insulin so it's in and out quicker and you can time your macros around it easier. Your gh dose is also relatively low for the insulin dose.

You'll want to keep the fat intake low/zero while insulin is in the system, you'll also need to balance your carb intake. Since you're suggesting Lantus and it'll be in your system a long time, with low dose HGH your diet better be 100% spot on with 0 error, or I nearly guarantee you're going to put on a good bit of fat.

So honestly scrap the insulin. Pick one oral, run it 6 weeks. Everything else looks fine.

Oh.. and get some metformin for insulin resistance
I want to add the dbol because i struggle with motivation atm and testosterone doesn't do anything in that regard for me.
This is complete nonsense.

Dbol isn't going to make you motivated.
In fact motivated shouldn't be a factor at all.

"Motivation" will wax and wane for everyone, if you're putting your health and legal standing at risk with using AAS then it cannot become a variable.

"Discipline" is what actually matters, if you don't have it, all the motivation and gear in the world won't get you long term results. And if you do, then it doesn't matter what your motivation level is, you will get long term results guaranteed.

Dbol is a garbage drug that doesn't really have a place in an intelligent protocol, there are simply just better options. It can be fun and some people enjoy it, but if lasting long term results are your objective then it's very close to the bottom of the list.

You don't compare insulin cosmetic results to AAS. Not even apples and oranges, since at least both of them are fruit. If your desire to use insulin is motivated by a temporary aesthetic, then you're using insulin for the wrong reasons.

Youve never used GH before, you don't have any fasted glucose numbers to refer to. And you didn't mention glucose numbers at all.
So you don't add insulin into the mix prophylactically just because you've seen it mentioned in tandem with the conversation of GH. You need a strong understanding of your nutrition and how your body responds to carbohydrate intake and timing and how you respond to GH to use insulin intelligently with it.

Stick to your test or test with another injectable, run your GH for a couple months and see how you respond, have your fun with your anavar if you want. Take your glucose readings every day to start to get an idea how your body responds (assuming your diet is properly structured) and learn from there.

Keep it simple.
Next to that, you don't base your insulin usage on your GH usage. Cmon man, you really show you don't know much about insulin. Which is fine, but no need to further embarras yourself.

You're talking about "risky". Risky implies it is dangerous. Risky =/= directly correlate to bad for your health. The steroids most people are using on this forum are causing more harm than insulin.... If you follow protocol, insulin is super safe to use.

Medical professional means fuck all. You can be a optometrist, dietician, nurse, hell even a midwife..... Insulin itself is NOT dangerous, It is only dangerous in the hands of idiots.

Lmao, dude I hold a master's in pharmacology and doing PhD research in neurobiology. I have a plenty fine grasp of what Insulin does.

Besides the risk of someone going hypo from going in half cocked, which it seems the op is (Drugs for motivation? Come on) you're playing with your insulin resistance long term which if you don't know what you're doing is going to bite you in the ass hard for years to come.

Piss off with the attitude, people are just trying to be helpful.

Dude obviously isn't very well versed on what he's doing or he wouldn't come here asking this stuff and wanting to run Dbol for motivation.
Wait for your gains to plateau before adding in orals, no point in running them beforehand.

You shouldn't need dbol for low estrogen since you are not taking an AI. 400 mg of test c should easily produce enough estrogen itself. Adding in dbol could very well make you have high estrogen sides.

Additionally, anavar generally is going to dry you out (hence why you want it for the "look"). Dbol is going to do the opposite of this and generally adds a lot of water weight.

You certainly don't need lantus in this cycle. Push the HGH and anabolics higher before using insulin (which might not be necessary since there aren't any numbers about your training history, size, BF %, etc). I won't go into the safety of lantus, but it is an unnecessary risk without benefit in this cycle. 2-4 iu of HGH should not cause major insulin sensitivity problems unless you are high BF % to begin with (in which case you certainly shouldn't add insulin).

I'd get your motivation in check before starting a cycle. They aren't going to really solve this.
So based on your feedback and some personal research, i've decided to ditch the orals and lantus and switch to test propionate and add tren, since i've never tried it and feel like it's time for something new. Very impressed so far.

300 mg Test Propionate (44 mg daily)
300 mg Tren Acetate (44 mg daily)
3.3 iu HGH (can't tolerate any more so far)
250 iu HCG e3d

40 mg Telmisartan
2.5 mg Nebivolol
100 mg P5P
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