"Raws are not sterile"

Pasteurizes ? :) You understand that some of the bacteria will die at 60 degrees, some will survive. I didn't say anything about sterilization. :) By the way, staphylococcus 0.5 – 1.0 μm in diameter.
I'm new to this, can you tell me what size filter we use? I only talked about the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. These are the basics of medicine.
Yes lots to learn in the home brew section
You have any questions we will be happy to answer
None of that applies to brewing
We use a 0.22 um filter to filter the brew
The filtration process is what sterilizes, nothing else
Not all raws used for injection are even heated. Most but not all. Some have a low melting point. EQ for example will come as a liquid.
Heat does nothing beneficial for the raws. Heat actually degrades raws. We use solvents (BB) to allow raws to go into solution at a lower temp and to stay in solution.
BA is used a preservative but is not part of the sterilization process. It only prevents new bacteria from growing. BA also acts a co-solvent.
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Yes lots to learn in the home brew section
You have any questions we will be happy to answer
None of that applies to brewing
We use a 0.22 um filter to filter the brew
The filtration process is what sterilizes, nothing else
Not all raws used for injection are even heated. Some but not all. Some have a low melting point. EQ for example will come as a liquid.
Heat does nothing beneficial for the raws. Heat actually degrades raws. We use solvents (BB) to allow raws to go into solution at a lower temp and to stay in solution.
BA is used a preservative but is not part of the sterilization process. It only prevents new bacteria from growing. BA also acts a co-solvent.
I didn't know about Eq. Thank you. And I didn't know the size of the filter exact thanks. Yes, it will filter out almost everything. I’ll read about pyrogenicity on the forum. Both I and my friends in sports used to have a fever after the injection for a week or a week and a half.
Thank you very much for your answer. Even a small answer is beneficial. Thank you! I'm going to study the theory of brewing. :)
Happy to help. I wasn’t referring to your question as stupid. Just the original thread.
Sorry if it seamed that way by me posting after my answer
I didn't know about Eq. Thank you. And I didn't know the size of the filter exact thanks. Yes, it will filter out almost everything. I’ll read about pyrogenicity on the forum. Both I and my friends in sports used to have a fever after the injection for a week or a week and a half.

Sounds like the first few vials of gym gear I got lol. "What do you mean I'm not supposed to be on fire for days?"
Man, I'm over 55 years old and I've been using Farm since I was 20 years old. Sometimes we made more than four to five cubes at a time in one syringe. There was a lot of oil. Although I had a long break until recently. I'm talking about the fact that sometimes after an injection of oil, the body temperature can rise and stay within 37, 37.5 degrees Celsius for a week or two. Most often, this indicates a pyrogenic effect. Most often, this means that the oil is not very clean. I don't mean the source of the oil was contaminated, but most likely the whole process was not done very well. And since this happened after various UGLs, it means that many of them do not perform the entire process well.
If I find it, I'll show you a picture of butter with a fly in a sealed bottle. A small midge. But it happened about 15 years ago. At the end of the eighties, you could buy pharmacy drugs such as Retabolil and nerobolil from us, they never had such problems. You have seen the inscription non-pyrogenic on syringes. If the same thing could be read on our preparations, then fever would never occur after UG injections. But I have never used brewing until now.
Sorry, English is not my native language. And have a nice day or evening.
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The filtration process is what sterilizes, nothing else
No it does not. Apart from bacteria and viruses, there are endotoxines - basically a waste product of bacteria. Endotoxines will pass 0.22um membrane easily and are extremely heat resistant too up to 250 degrees Celsius.

Many of the elements in injectables manufacturing process including silicone tools, plastic, solvents etc can not withstand such a high temperature. Tools and hosing for example can be sterilized by special sterilization gasses. Also "injection grade" oil and solvents that are free of contaminants are multiple times as expensive as cosmetics grade for example that is often used in UGL setup.

Yes China or any UGL can manufacture a vial of test for dirt cheap given they can obtain raw material for extremely cheap, and then they fool you with saying "test is a test". There is a reason why Pharma products cost as much as they do and the greed is not the only variable.
No it does not. Apart from bacteria and viruses, there are endotoxines - basically a waste product of bacteria. Endotoxines will pass 0.22um membrane easily and are extremely heat resistant too up to 250 degrees Celsius.

Many of the elements in injectables manufacturing process including silicone tools, plastic, solvents etc can not withstand such a high temperature. Tools and hosing for example can be sterilized by special sterilization gasses. Also "injection grade" oil and solvents that are free of contaminants are multiple times as expensive as cosmetics grade for example that is often used in UGL setup.

Yes China or any UGL can manufacture a vial of test for dirt cheap given they can obtain raw material for extremely cheap, and then they fool you with saying "test is a test". There is a reason why Pharma products cost as much as they do and the greed is not the only variable.

You don't know the difference between sterile and pyrogen free.

Sterile refers to the elimination of living organisms.

You don't know the difference between sterile and pyrogen free.

Sterile refers to the elimination of living organisms.

I am sorry for confusion on technical side, the intent was pointing out the practical facts, as people anyway consider sterile = any harmful stuff-free
I am sorry for confusion on technical side, the intent was pointing out the practical facts

Injectables are supposed to be non-pyrogenic, and you're correct that UGLs do nothing to ensure the elimination of pyrogens.

This is the major difference between UGL and legit pharma. It's certainly one of the causes behind otherwise unexplained pip, inflammation, fever, and over the long term, steadily accumulating joint damage.

It's serious enough that pyrogens in injectables can kill infants, and in spinal injections paralyze.
I've seen people say that unironically. But that doesn't even make sense, right? Obviously they are sterile when they come out the factory right? But let's say they were contaminated with bacteria or whatever. How tf would you know?
Call me an absolute retard idc

Although OP seems unteachable, it bears noting that you always start your brewing process assuming nothing is sterile. Sterility is created from heat (although many will argue against relying upon heat) BA, and filtering using a 22 micron filter.
christ, how crazy of me to think that my EAS' might actually arrive in somewhat sterile conition. already said IM SORRY we got some quality posts ITT so why don't we just all calm down and just move on

like i'm not the crazy guy to think that when people are spending thousands of dollars on sterilization equipment just to get their raws with hairs and ballsweat (or whatever) delivered to them that this isn't exactly how you want things to turn out??