I since a little paranoia in the air.
1. Your syringes should come in single blister type packs.
2. The amount of alcohol makes no difference, the actual sterilization of the process happens upon the evaporation of the alcohol. A larger amount prolongs this process.
3. If you used a dirty needle don't be surprised of the outcome.
I've used plenty of previously used needles, taking my chances. Nothing ever happened from AAS usage, but in my former addiction years is resulted in hep c. I mean, pros vs cons here pretty much.
1. Your syringes should come in single blister type packs.
2. The amount of alcohol makes no difference, the actual sterilization of the process happens upon the evaporation of the alcohol. A larger amount prolongs this process.
3. If you used a dirty needle don't be surprised of the outcome.
I've used plenty of previously used needles, taking my chances. Nothing ever happened from AAS usage, but in my former addiction years is resulted in hep c. I mean, pros vs cons here pretty much.