New Member
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted. Unfortunately, I've had a few issues going on in my life, and as a result, I've skipped the gym for the past 12 weeks. I've also barely been eating due to stress and have lost around 42 pounds in 8-10 weeks. I'm now starting to get back into the gym and calorie counting. I'm not taking any steroids right now, but I'm considering running a 12-week cycle to help kickstart my rebuilding phase. The only compounds I've used before are testosterone, nandrolone phenylpropionate, and dianabol. Would this be a good cycle to get back on while starting back, or would you recommend leaving the steroids out for a few months? I just feel like crap with the amount of weight and muscle I've lost, so I just want to get as much size back as possible in the shortest amount of time. Any advice would be appreciated...