Rebound time.


New Member
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted. Unfortunately, I've had a few issues going on in my life, and as a result, I've skipped the gym for the past 12 weeks. I've also barely been eating due to stress and have lost around 42 pounds in 8-10 weeks. I'm now starting to get back into the gym and calorie counting. I'm not taking any steroids right now, but I'm considering running a 12-week cycle to help kickstart my rebuilding phase. The only compounds I've used before are testosterone, nandrolone phenylpropionate, and dianabol. Would this be a good cycle to get back on while starting back, or would you recommend leaving the steroids out for a few months? I just feel like crap with the amount of weight and muscle I've lost, so I just want to get as much size back as possible in the shortest amount of time. Any advice would be appreciated...
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted. Unfortunately, I've had a few issues going on in my life, and as a result, I've skipped the gym for the past 12 weeks. I've also barely been eating due to stress and have lost around 42 pounds in 8-10 weeks. I'm now starting to get back into the gym and calorie counting. I'm not taking any steroids right now, but I'm considering running a 12-week cycle to help kickstart my rebuilding phase. The only compounds I've used before are testosterone, nandrolone phenylpropionate, and dianabol. Would this be a good cycle to get back on while starting back, or would you recommend leaving the steroids out for a few months? I just feel like crap with the amount of weight and muscle I've lost, so I just want to get as much size back as possible in the shortest amount of time. Any advice would be appreciated...
Those issues that you had going on in your life, are they completely resolved? At the end of the day it’s your decision to make, but if you are not able to completely 100% dedicate your time to training and eating properly, I personally wouldn’t start a cycle at that point. If you know you can, Id run a fraction of what you knew worked for you in the past. Muscle memory is real especially when combined with getting back into training hard and eating big, so you shouldn’t have an issue getting back to where you were with less drugs.
Those issues that you had going on in your life, are they completely resolved? At the end of the day it’s your decision to make, but if you are not able to completely 100% dedicate your time to training and eating properly, I personally wouldn’t start a cycle at that point. If you know you can, Id run a fraction of what you knew worked for you in the past. Muscle memory is real especially when combined with getting back into training hard and eating big, so you shouldn’t have an issue getting back to where you were with less drugs.
+1 agree with this

Are you going to be able to 100% commit, or is your commitment and training going to be splotchy?
Thanks for the replies. I am 100% ready to go again and any issues have now passed. I have ran a cycle of sarms in the past aswell. Im unsure what cycle to run and compounds to use. What would you guys recommend using some of the following; test/npp/dbol/sarms? I don't really want to try anything new as I know how i react on these so want to stick to what I know for now. I just want as much mass as quickly as possible.
How was your blood pressure on test, npp, dbol assuming you have ran all 3 together? That would be a pretty good stack, starting low to make sure you still react the same way and then tapering up to 50-75% of previous dosages once tolerability has been assessed
Have you considered running out the quick rebound gains before going back on cycle? I only ask because you said you haven't been on anything so you might be able to make better use of being on cycle if you wait til gains slow down before adding drugs.