Hey brother,
For the most part, I agree with
Before running down the list of markers, obviously, your Test level is remarkably high for only 335mg/wk of gear. Are you still taking TNE? That will really make that number jump, even with one injection.
Liver values are slightly elevated, that could simply be from training, even with 2 days off. Additionally, GGT is at a good level... so, looks like your liver is doing well. Considering Hep C in the past... ALT, AST, and GGT should regularly be on your lab panels and tested to gauge potential issues. Have you tried Glutathione or Tirzepatide? Those will yield unparalleled liver health.
SHBG is fine.
Low DHEA... my understanding is exogenous testosterone will impact this marker.
Ferretin is slightly low. Sampei asked if you donate blood because ferretin usually takes a hit when you do. Without seeing your CBC panel (RBC, H&H, etc.) you shouldn't go and give blood. Low ferretin is related to iron deficiency. It's possible you need to supplement it. Again, what's your CBC panel look like? Any issues with high RBC, H&H? To check iron levels and defeciency you can test:
- Iron and TIBC (most important);
- Transferrin Saturation (for additional insight).
These two labs provide a set of markers showing how your body is using and storing iron. Run ferretin every time with these labs as well. Your ferretin is just barely low... probably need better quality iron supplement.
Between your two eGFR scores (Creatinine 1.39 -
eGFR = 61; Cycstatin C - 1.31 =
eGFR 56) those markers show a reduction of kidney function. Creatinine is high because of your high protein intake. When that's the case, Cystatin C is the marker to go off... that's high too. Your kidneys are having difficulty adjusting/equalizing that protein. Now, everyone is going to experience reduction/loss of kidney function with age. Some more than others. But, its going to happen everyone and increase loss over time. Unlike the liver, kidneys don't regenerate any loss. This doesn't mean you can't do anything about easing the burden on your kidneys, and get function—and those markers—to improve.
With a high protein diet, the kidneys are additionally stressed... try switching out some of the animal protein for vegetable. I used to drink whey isolate daily... switched to pea protein isolate. Vegetable protein is milder on the kidneys. Alternatively, you can simply lower protein.
Hydration is vital. You're drinking 1 gallon/day... go to 1.5 or 2. The additional water will help flush out more toxins and ease that process on the kidneys.
Definitely start taking astralagus root powder. Supplement 8000mg/day, split 4 times (2000mg per dose). Astralgus is a potent—almost miraculous—aid to increase blood flow and function to the kidneys.
Implement all of the above and re-test CMP, Cys C, and another marker called Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio (uACR) test in 30 days. The uACR is used together with Cys C to provide a better overall view of kidney function (it tests the amount of protein in urine the kidneys are unable to filter). Test every 30 days for 90 days and re-evaluate.