Recent Bloodwork Results


Well-known Member
Current TRT Cruise 60 mg Test C every 3 days (no other AAS). Trough (morning of next pin prior to pinning). 4 weeks off GH after years being on. No other AAS.
2.5 mg Creatine ED only other supplement
SHGB keeps creeping down over the years.
Surprised by my "baseline" IGF-1 of 260 after 4 weeks off GH but I do not have an accurate, recent pre-GH baseline prior to starting GH "therapy". The previous result in the report (433) was on my standard 2.4iu GH every day pinned at night.
All other results (CBC, Metabolic Panel, Lipids, PSA) mostly unremarkable. Not concerned about liver markers as these are predictable form intense workouts (Total CH 107 on 40mg Atorvastatin).
Always difficult to get my HDL to budge (drink tablespoon fish oil once per day).
55 Years old.
First time I received an "Insulin" result and not really sure what to make of it. Glucose middle of refence interval at 88 mg/dl.


Where’s the hematology markers if you don’t mind sharing? Unless it’s normal then disregard.
All normal. I just posted sections with markers out of range (it was 5 pages total). Anything specific you're looking for?
Latest results are satisfactory with a few interesting points:

60MG Test C E3D, 25MG Var Daily, 50MG Deca Weekly, GH 2iu 5/2

1) Head scratcher - E2 last tested 36.1 on just 60MG Test C E3D (my TRT/cruise). With the addition of the low Var, Deca and GH, my E2 is now 85.3! No symptoms other than some slight bloating. To Anastrozole or not Anastrozole?

I do not believe Var aromatizes and I also do not believe this GH dose would affect E2. So, is 50MG Deca weekly really upping my E2 this dramatically? I know Deca does affect my E2 significantly just didn't expect this dramatic of a difference for such a low dose. no dietary changes, no booze, no weed.

2) AST 47 and ALT 57. These are basically no different than my September tests without Var (which I attributed to intense workouts). Looks like 600 NAC 2x daily (1200 total daily) during Var is doing its job.

3) Total CH 104 with HDL 20. 40MG Atorvastatin doing its job but I need to get HDL up. Using daily fish oil.
As a low HDL guy, I empathize w/ you; its a genetic thing, nothing more you can really do about it.

I just roll w/ the Peter Attia crowd and focus on my LDL & ApoB markers, but always appreciate insight into if there's any importance in HDL if overall cholesterol is low.
As a low HDL guy, I empathize w/ you; its a genetic thing, nothing more you can really do about it.

I just roll w/ the Peter Attia crowd and focus on my LDL & ApoB markers, but always appreciate insight into if there's any importance in HDL if overall cholesterol is low.
No doubt genetic. No matter what I do HDL stays low and about the same ratio relative to Total CH. Let us all know if you figure out a way to increase HDL!
No doubt genetic. No matter what I do HDL stays low and about the same ratio relative to Total CH. Let us all know if you figure out a way to increase HDL!
My research has shown that ratios have fallen out of favor, that ApoB is the best overall marker for assessing heart disease risk, but please correct me if I'm mistaken.

I have had horrible ratios on bloodwork in the past, yet could easily outperform people in cardiovascular exercise; never get out of breath and have to end sessions due to low energy or muscular fatigue.

Obviously not a bullet proof thing, but I seriously doubt your heart can be in a poor state yet highly perform at that level.
My research has shown that ratios have fallen out of favor, that ApoB is the best overall marker for assessing heart disease risk, but please correct me if I'm mistaken.
Like wvweything else, depends who you ask. ApoB is considered "emerging' but I do believe there is good evidence that it is at least "one of" the important ways to assess cardio disease