Recovery from Jones Fracture/surgery - HGH, BPC-157, TB-500.


10+ Year Member
I have a true jones fracture in my right foot. Zone 2 non displaced. I am 52 years old and I will have surgery tomorrow, Wednesday the 15th of Feb. I will update as I go as I intend to try to help my healing along with the following protocol. I would love feedback and hopefully my experiences help others.

I will continue with my doctor supervised TRT. Which currently is at 250mg per week. I will add HGH at 3iu per day, BPC-157 250mcg twice a day for a total of 500mcg per day. I will also take TB-500 at 2.5mg three times a week making for a total of 7.5mg per week.

Currently I intend to administer the HGH subq in the stomach. Both peptides I will shoot IM in the thigh/glute unsure which yet.

Would love any feedback or if anyone else has done this I would love to hear. On Monday, the 27th of this month my post surgery dressing will come of and then the real fun begins. I will be non weight barring to that point and the doctors currently believe I will recover by the end of March.
I have a true jones fracture in my right foot. Zone 2 non displaced. I am 52 years old and I will have surgery tomorrow, Wednesday the 15th of Feb. I will update as I go as I intend to try to help my healing along with the following protocol. I would love feedback and hopefully my experiences help others.

I will continue with my doctor supervised TRT. Which currently is at 250mg per week. I will add HGH at 3iu per day, BPC-157 250mcg twice a day for a total of 500mcg per day. I will also take TB-500 at 2.5mg three times a week making for a total of 7.5mg per week.

Currently I intend to administer the HGH subq in the stomach. Both peptides I will shoot IM in the thigh/glute unsure which yet.

Would love any feedback or if anyone else has done this I would love to hear. On Monday, the 27th of this month my post surgery dressing will come of and then the real fun begins. I will be non weight barring to that point and the doctors currently believe I will recover by the end of March.
Good luck from another old guy who’s looking forward to hearing about your recovery.

I have a bad knee and I injected Peptide Warehouse BP-157 into it for a couple months and it didn’t help at all. Not sure it was legit, but their clenbuterol and Anastrozole was really effective for me, so I didn’t have any reason to doubt them.

Good luck man!
Really appreciate that @Millard losing mobility has been really hard mentally. Feel like now I can start progressing which makes this so much easier. Also hoping I can get some results from the peptides and perhaps it can help others. Knowledge is power.
Really appreciate that @Millard losing mobility has been really hard mentally. Feel like now I can start progressing which makes this so much easier. Also hoping I can get some results from the peptides and perhaps it can help others. Knowledge is power.
Outstanding! Glad to hear it went so well.
I'm looking forward to reading. I hope your protocols speed up recovery. The physical recovery is one challenge. But I think you nailed it with the mental part - it's really hard!

I've had my share of physical setbacks. It's really helped me to focus on all the positives of the given situation. (There are not many.) Yet there was always at least one - and that was sudden availability of so much free time. It turns out that all this time in the gym and on the bike was quite time consuming. So it was kinda cool to do some other things while I waited for my body to heal!
The nerve block wore off last night. Kinda miss being numb.

I am weaning myself off the pain medication as I honestly do not like the feeling of pain pills. Working out as much as the doc will let me and making sure I am being safe. My leg will be non-weight barring until at least the 27th.

Right now things have felt pretty dark. Physically limited. The peptides have not had a chance to do anything but having and using them is at least making me feel as though I am trying. I will get imaging on the 27th so we should have an idea of if the peptides did anything. Really appreciate all the kind words it is making a huge difference right now.
The nerve block is indeed a good tool, after my knee surgery it was really nice to have it.
I can understand your frustration, but try to be a little patient.
The long term recovery > short term overstimulating. espec. after surgery.
Will keep my fingers crossed! Keep us up to date
The nerve block wore off last night. Kinda miss being numb.

I am weaning myself off the pain medication as I honestly do not like the feeling of pain pills. Working out as much as the doc will let me and making sure I am being safe. My leg will be non-weight barring until at least the 27th.

Right now things have felt pretty dark. Physically limited. The peptides have not had a chance to do anything but having and using them is at least making me feel as though I am trying. I will get imaging on the 27th so we should have an idea of if the peptides did anything. Really appreciate all the kind words it is making a huge difference right now.
Hang in there. The recovery will probably feel a lot
longer than it actually will be.
Doing the IM as my Doctor explained most the studies on Horses were IM. She felt we should try to mimic the best information she could find.
Sounds interesting. So you have a "depot"?
I am mixing with standard Bac Water. Just shooting into my thigh thus far. Will have an update on Monday when I get my stitches removed and I also get an X-ray to see if any healing is taking place.

I am hopeful this is making a difference. The truth is just having this to do is making me feel like perhaps something is helping me. At this point I am getting resigned to the fact I am limited for at least four or five more weeks.

Lifting for the upper body is going well and I have set goals so I am far less down than I was about a week ago.
Glad surgery went well brother. Sending my well wishes on a speedy recovery. I’ve used the BPC+TB500 protocol when I had a slight labrum tear. In my option it definitely had an impact on my recovery time. Best of luck and don’t overdo it. Keep us updated!
Just got back from my appointment. Excellent news!

The original idea was 6 weeks non weight bearing. Today got my examination and X-Rays. She saw significant bone healing and I can now use my heel to stand. In two weeks I can begin using my foot for light walking. It looks like in another four weeks I will be rather useful.

Obviously it is way to small a sample size but for me this protocol is working. I have no pain at all and even the Doc is impressed. So happy right now it is really hard to put it in words. Have to be careful and continue with the game plan but this feels really positive.

I will continue to update and honestly I really appreciate all the support and kind words. You have all made a huge difference. Thank you.
Just completed another Doctor visit. I am now Six weeks from Surgery and I can now walk again. Slow but steady, life is returning to normal.

What I can say about BPC and TB is they seem to help with flesh wounds and general health. Little wounds seemed to heal quickly and I had no digestion issues for the entire six weeks and normally I get heartburn every now and again.

I am healing at an accelerated pace but the Testosterone and HGH are most likely doing the heavy lifting. Testosterone has shown in studies to help bone injury healing. For my age I am ahead of schedule and happy.

Hope this information helps someone as they attempt to use these items for recovery.
Just completed another Doctor visit. I am now Six weeks from Surgery and I can now walk again. Slow but steady, life is returning to normal.

What I can say about BPC and TB is they seem to help with flesh wounds and general health. Little wounds seemed to heal quickly and I had no digestion issues for the entire six weeks and normally I get heartburn every now and again.

I am healing at an accelerated pace but the Testosterone and HGH are most likely doing the heavy lifting. Testosterone has shown in studies to help bone injury healing. For my age I am ahead of schedule and happy.

Hope this information helps someone as they attempt to use these items for recovery.
thanks for posting your experience brother.

I hope you continue to improve at a fast rate. good luck with everything