Reintro. Trying to get more active


New Member
What’s up brothers. I’m not sure if I’ve done an introduction here or not. I kinda bounce around on 3 forums to take everything with a little grain of salt. I’ve been spending a lot of time on meso lately so I figured I’d say what up and start interacting more instead of just lurking. Over my years and currently I use a handful of different sources and will try out new ones here. All for the testing and keeping the community as a whole safe and healthy. I’m much older now but I was dumb enough to start researching and getting heavily involved at an extremely long age. So with that comes experience, knowledge gained over the years and what not. I am also in the medical field so I watch my over all health pretty closely.

I’m cruising TRT right now at 200mg a week from my PCP. Got some GH, peptides and Sema en route. Looking to maintain while cutting down a bit. Dialed in the diet and hit a little wall, along with getting older. My overall goal is to like who I see in the mirror, stay healthy, feel good mentally and physically and implementing some anti-aging. I’ll be around, trying to contribute where I can but just say what’s up to the crew incase I haven’t before.
Great introduction. I was looking over the introductions to get ideas for what would be good content for myself. Your situation is similar to mine - older guy looking to be healthy, anti-aging, TRT and GH with some peptides. As for forums, I've only recently been on Reddit. Just curious, what are other forums which are similar? Reddit? I just started with GH so am trying to figure out a good dose/dosing schedule.

edited - saw a great article on HgH in the HgH and peptides thread where there are recommendations for dosing for longevity and quality of life.
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I appreciate you reaching out and becoming more active here, as a newbie I look forward to learning from your experience. What is the most significant thing you have learned so far on your journey?
As far as learning on my journey goes, I'd say that there are many members who have great knowledge to share. However, I need to check all new information against other sources as even the best make mistakes, or their experience is unique to their body. Some of the advice is timeless, like start low (dosing) and go up slow.
As far as learning on my journey goes, I'd say that there are many members who have great knowledge to share. However, I need to check all new information against other sources as even the best make mistakes, or their experience is unique to their body. Some of the advice is timeless, like start low (dosing) and go up slow.
subjective review is good, I use this kind of information to identify new things to learn and then tend to find more objective information to cross-examine with.
A few compounds have piqued my interest but upon further investigation, the potential side effects outweighed the reward.