First few days is like a fog lifting.
Its the same with NPP, you know it causes a fog but after 1 week it feels normal and you forget of the “fog”, again, I was running ridiculous doses on both, Ive never ran only 300mg/wk tren so if this happens with a low dose I have no idea.
I dont miss it in a sense that my brain brings it up, I have been off so long now that I dont think of it unless someone brings it up, like here then I have to try to remember as it isnt a thing I think about
The feeling is aggression. like a fuck everyone 24/7, but to preference that, I have controlled myself to a calm person and you know why, not to say im a bitch irl because i am definitely not, i will fuck up anyone that fucks with anyone dear to me but near the end the aggression was getting so much I couldn’t stand still in the gym and would constantly pace back and forth. The feeling of aggression is intoxicating. Lifting would get me so jacked up I could barely control myself
I would look at everyone with death in my eyes.
Its very hard to explain this feeling, its like the fight or flight feeling but 24/7.
I want to say, when your on you never notice any of this
I stopped tren middle of December, December 21st at my job we went home and I came back January 3rd
Know what they told me? Your a totally different person, whatever you did over vacation helped you.
No one told me anything, but I wasn’t even realizing how bad I was acting and projecting myself.
You wont notice.
I dont know how I noticed I needed to stop, but once again… and not in a bad way once again, but in the BEST way… I am so goddamn thankful for
She is the reason I stopped, the sole and only reason.
I was ruining my relationship with my mom and didnt care (I know this is bad, at the time tren had me) I was ruining my job and didnt even notice, a job that many would die for i was just ruining
But iris… my fucking angel. I dont know where you came from but no amount of words can say how thankful I am for you, because you are the reason I noticed I needed to end the tren, without you I on God would have said fuck everything and continued the tren.
But I want you more than anything, and I am so thankful to God I noticed I was ruining a relationship because me wanting you so much is why i stopped. You saved me, and I am prolly being confusing but I strongly feel tren, the feelings it gives you, are the devil and you saved me off of that shit. You dont realize how happy, appreciative, thankful of you I am, I could give you anything and it wouldnt be enough for saving me…
Tldr: the main issues on tren are stuff you wont mentally notice.
Any new members reading this, DO NOT TOUCH TREN.
I regret touching it because it almost ruined the thing, the only thing I hold dear in this world.
It messed with my brain and changed who i was, to the point it was changing values I stood on and lived by. My core values.